Pizza Time

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Five years have passed since the intense battles and cosmic upheavals that once plagued their lives. The Hazbin Hotel, now in its fourth iteration, stands as a testament to the resilience and determination of its inhabitants. The corridors are bright, bustling with activity, and humming with the renewed energy of hope and recovery.

Charlie, now much more composed and accustomed to the daily operations of the hotel, strides down a long corridor, a look of panic etched across her face. Her mind races as she debates the perfect anniversary gift for Vaggie, who has been her rock and partner through thick and thin. The date is fast approaching, and Charlie wants to make sure it's special-something that matches the depth of her affection and gratitude.

As she paces, her thoughts are abruptly interrupted by a small, insistent tug on her leg. Charlie glances down to see her half-sister, July, who is now five years old. July clutches her favorite rubber duck, the same one she's had since babyhood, with a grip of pure devotion.

Charlie: (trying to smile) Hey, July! What's up, sweetheart?

July: (looking up with wide eyes) Charlie, I need a nuke.

Charlie: (blinking in surprise, almost stumbling) A... a nuke? Sweetheart, what on earth would you need a nuke for?

July: (clutching her rubber duck tightly) For my science project. I have to show how powerful explosions are. Mr. Duck says it's very important.

Charlie: (trying to hide her confusion and concern) Mr. Duck... your duck?

July: (nodding seriously) Yup. He says if I want to win the Science Fair, I need something big. I think a nuke would be perfect!

Charlie: (looking around nervously) Uh, July, honey, we don't actually have... well, we don't have nukes lying around here. How about we try something a bit less... explosive... for your imaginary fair?

July: (pouting) But I really want to win. All the other kids are using rockets and stuff. Mr. Fluffypaws says I should aim for the stars.

Charlie: (kneeling down to July's level, trying to stay calm) Sweetie, I get that you want to impress your non existent friends, but nukes are... well, they're not exactly safe. How about we make a model volcano or something? That's a bit safer and still pretty cool.

July: (still not convinced) But volcanoes don't make big explosions. They just make lava and smoke. I need something that goes BOOM!

Charlie: (sighing and rubbing her temples) July, we really can't have explosions here. How about we ask your Dad for help? Maybe he has some ideas for a great science project that doesn't involve... well, destructive power.

July: (tilting her head) Okay, but can I still have a bigger rubber duck? Mr. Duck says it'll make a big splash.

Charlie: (trying to stay positive) I'm sure we can find a big rubber duck. Let's go talk to your Dad and see what we can come up with.


In the bustling kitchen of the Hazbin Hotel, the smell of pizza dough baking in the oven fills the air. Lily and Hazel, now five years old, are eagerly waiting at the kitchen table. The room is a flurry of activity with Odette and Emily working together to prepare the pizzas.

Lily, wearing a vibrant green dress that matches her cheerful demeanor, sits perched on a stool with a bright, hopeful smile. She clutches a napkin as if it's a treasured artifact, ready to dive into her pizza as soon as it's ready.

Lily: (bouncing slightly on her stool) Mommy, Mommy, is my pizza almost ready? I want the one with all the yummy stuff!

Hazel, dressed in a cool red and orange dress, sits across from Lily with an air of quiet judgment. Her arms are crossed, and she's eyeing the oven with a steely gaze, clearly unimpressed by the commotion.

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