𓆗 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 - 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬

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Makenzie and Draco have been dating for a few months, but one night she came home later than usual

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Makenzie and Draco have been dating for a few months, but one night she came home later than usual. Draco was sitting in their home on the sofa with a glass of wine in his hand as the television played in the background.

He heard her stumbling through the front door. "Where have you been?" He says in a snarky tone.

She jumps once she heard him speak, not expecting him to still be awake. "I was out with the girls."

He doesn't like that answer so quickly and easily given to him, so he decides to pry a little bit deeper for answers. "Out with the girls? Sounds to me like you were out with another guy."

She stumbles her way up to him, kicking off her heels. She grabbed his glass of wine before taking a sip of it. She sets it down on the coffee table before sitting on the arm of the sofa. "Another guy?"

He turns his head to her as she goes to drink his glass of wine and gives her a small smirk. "Another guy, yes. If you weren't with another guy, show me. Let me see your phone."

She pouts, slightly tipsy from all the bars she went to with her friends. She grabbed her purse, digging for her phone before pulling it out and handing it to him without a second thought.

He takes her phone from her and takes a quick look through it. He doesn't take very long to find what he is looking for which only makes him more mad. "I thought so. I knew you were with a guy. Don't lie to me and say you were only with just your girls."

"I wasn't with a guy, Pansy was with a guy." She giggled in her drunkenness, plopping herself down beside him.

He turns to look at her with a blank look on his face. He's not buying it.

"Fine. Was it just you and Pansy then huh, because you would've never come home this late unless you had someone with you now would you?"

She frowns again. "I was with Astoria, Pansy, and Pansy's guy. Don't you trust me?"

He doesn't bother to hide the disdain that comes across his face when he hears Pansy had someone with her and he rolled his eyes.

"I trust you, but I was just worried is all. It's suspicious when you come back this late because normally you're home like an hour earlier than this. I thought you had another guy with you."

She grabs his face in her hands, "I only want you babe."

He's taken back by this sudden affection and doesn't know what to do with his face for a few seconds. "You only want me do you?" He says in a flirty tone as a small smirk appears on his lips.

She nods, mocking to straddle his lap. "Only you", she whispered. Her breath smelt heavily of alcohol.

His smirk continues to grow as she sees her straddle his lap, he's starting to wonder if she was a little bit too tipsy.

"Only me hm?" His hands start rubbing her thighs teasingly. "You're not just saying that because you had one too many drinks, are you?"

She pouts once more. She kissed the corner of his mouth quickly yet sloppy. "Just you." She kisses him again quickly. "You", and again. "You", and again. "And you", and one last time.

Every time her lips touch his he becomes more and more distracted by her beauty and he can already tell he is going to end up forgiving her for coming home so late. After all, who could stay mad at her? Not Draco.

He gives her one last quick kiss on the lips before speaking again, "you are too cute when you're drunk, you know that? I'm really lucky you're all mine."

She smiles brightly. "I'm so happy I have you." She pokes his nose gently with a little 'boop' and starts to giggle.

He chuckles at her playfulness, he can't help but fall for her every time she acts like this. "And I'm so happy I have you. So maybe we should just forget that you came home so late huh?" She nods quickly in response.

He smiles once more and pulls her closer to his chest. He runs his thumb gently back and forth along her cheek and whispers, "I just get a little overprotective is all. I don't want other people to even come near you."

Her arms wrapped around his neck as she let out a big yawn. There was no denying that it was late. It was around midnight. Her feet hurt and all she wanted to do was to cuddle with her fiancé. "I'm all yours", she whispered before placing her head on his shoulder, nuzzling her face into his neck.

He chuckles when she yawns and it confirms just how tired she is. He's already starting to feel bad for snapping at her before.

"All mine? That's what I like to hear. Maybe I'll show you just how much I own you later." He says, playing around with her as he kisses her neck gently.

She giggled, "not tonight, I just want to stay like this."

"Aw, not even a tease?" He questions as his lips play with her neck, teasing her slightly.

She squirms around in his lap a bit. "Not tonight, I'm too tired."

He smirks as he feels her squirm in his lap, his hands start to drift down her body until he lets them rest at her hips. "So what if you're tired. I'm not going to let that stop me from having my way with you, kitten."

She kissed his neck, ever so softly, humming against his skin.

He lets out a satisfied moan when she does that, her touch always set him on fire, even if she is just humming against his neck. After only a few seconds of that, he turns his head and presses his lips on hers passionately, wrapping his arms around her waist.

She kissed him hungrily, rolling her hips against his which causes him to groan. His arms wrap around her even tighter, pulling her close. He keeps kissing her, moving his tongue against hers, getting completely lost in the feeling of her body against his.

She moves slightly in his lap and then falls back with their lips still connected so her back was lying against the sofa.

His heart races a little when she falls back, and now their bodies are completely pressed against each other. His hands start to roam freely as he kisses her, his tongue exploring her mouth in an even more intense way than before.

She kisses him for a bit longer before pulling away breathlessly, staring into his eyes.

He stares back at her, his breath is heavy and he can feel his heart racing a little more than usual. His hands run up her thighs and she can immediately tell where his mind is going.

She shook her head at the boy before she spoke, "it's time for bed."

His eyes flicker with disappointment, his mind was completely set on the one thing and now he was being told to go to sleep? His face drops but he doesn't fight her. "Fine..."

She giggles and pulls him closer, wrapping her arms around his body to get comfortable.

He puts his arms around her, and let out a content sigh. "Comfy?"

"Very", she whispered. "I love you." She pecked his lips quickly.

A small smile spreads across his lips when she whispered. "I love you too." He pecked her on the lips and after that, he stays quiet, listening to their breathing before the pair soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

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