𓆗 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐭 - 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲

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"Don't tell me that you actually find that greasy, blonde dickhead handsome? Merlin, you actually like Malfoy?" Theodore's brilliant blue eyes widened in alarm, his expression baffled

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"Don't tell me that you actually find that greasy, blonde dickhead handsome? Merlin, you actually like Malfoy?" Theodore's brilliant blue eyes widened in alarm, his expression baffled.

"I- why? How? He's a little ferret-" He cut himself off as he took a seat on her bed, placing her legs into his lap as he crossed his legs, listening intently. "Are you sure you haven't drank amortentia? You know, Lorenzo was concerned when he told me you were into Malfoy." He remarked, regarding her dubiously.


Her face had a mix of shock and irritation written on her features. "Are you- Are you serious? Malfoy?"

His expression darkened as he tilted his head to the side, the underlying emotion of jealousy evident in his voice. "Of course I am!" Theodore snapped. "You like Malfoy, don't you?" He pressed, his gaze narrowed on her.

"I wouldn't like him if he was the last boy on the planet." Disgust was clear in her voice. Malfoy? Who in their right mind would like someone like him?

Theodore smirked smugly, his jealousy instantly forgotten as he let out a huff of amusement. "Good, because I was seriously wondering why anyone would like him." His tone was slightly arrogant as he spoke, his gaze shifting towards her in amusement. "So, who do you find cute then?" He asked curiously.

She leaned against the headboard as her legs still laid lazily in his lap. "Are you really trying to dig into my love life right now?" She let out a small laugh. "Same boy since second year, and no, I will still not tell you who."

He let out a low chuckle at her response, his fingers curling around her knee as he held it in his hand. He found it almost adorable how she was unwilling to give details about who this mysterious boy is. "Yes, I am. Give me something." He said confidently, though he was only partly serious. "Pretty please?"

She shook her head at him. "Brunette. Brilliant mind. Beautiful eyes." She spoke as she stared deeply at him. It was obvious to almost every one, but him, who her little crush was.

Theodore was unaware that she was describing him. "That's rather vague. You could be talking about anyone." He teased, though he raised an eyebrow as he watched her stare at him. "Do go on though." He said with a sly grin, enjoying her flirtation.

She sucked her bottom lip in, chewing on it slightly, an old nervous habit. "Hm.. Loyal. Slytherin. Secretive."

He continued listening, his gaze focused on her as she listed more traits. "What else?" He pressed, his tone amused.

The way she bit her bottom lip was endearing to him. He resisted the urge to run his hand up and down her thigh, instead choosing to squeeze her knee.

"Nope." She popped out the 'p'. " Not until you tell me about your crush." She wanted to get off the subject desperately.

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