𓆗 𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐞 - 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞?

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Lorenzo entered her dormitory, sliding his metal rings on and off his deft fingers idly

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Lorenzo entered her dormitory, sliding his metal rings on and off his deft fingers idly. Not bothering with pleasantries, he sauntered over.

"On a scale of one to ten," his hand splayed on her lower back as he led her towards the door, willing her to accompany him to his own, "how bad of an idea do you think it would be if we got married?" he mused, his fingers pulsing against her skin; kneading softly where he touched.

She was more than use to him coming up with random questions like that every now and then, but this one intrigued her.

"I would say a three. It wouldn't be a bad idea if we weren't so young."

"If we were older you'd say yes then?" he grinned triumphantly, his fingers moving down slightly to her bottom, where they gave a light squeeze to emphasise what he said. Not enough to hurt or offend her in any way, but a subtle enough movement to send a wave of shock through her system.

"What's stopping us now then?" he challenged, raising his brow. "Or do you only want a proper wedding. I don't see the difference but if that's what it takes, then I'm all ears."

She couldn't help but send a smile his way. She would be lying if she said she didn't picture them getting married and growing old together.

"I've always wanted a proper wedding, I've been dreaming of it since I was a little girl." This wasn't unusual for them, they talked about their futures together quite a bit.

He chuckled, his voice rich like dark chocolate and a smug expression on his attractive face, "Oh, the things I've seen in that little girl's head. You've thought of everything, the dress, the venue, the ring... the groom!" he leaned closer, his breath tickling against her flushed skin, brown eyes flickering like bright flames, "Me." he said simply, with a smirk. "And of course you're thinking of it right now."

She jokingly pushed him slightly, "Get out of my head. It's an invasion of privacy." She laughed.

Lorenzo grinned, "What sort of invasion is that?" he mused, pushing back against her. "It's not like I'm breaking anything in there." he teased. "Besides, it's your fault for being a daydreamer..." he murmured, his hands running over her waist.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, tangling her hand into his brown hair. "I can't help but daydream, all the things we could do."

His hands settled on her waist, bringing her body close to his. He sighed quietly, "I know... there's so much to think about, but I already know how perfect you'll look on our wedding day." he said confidently, a smirk on his lips.

She felt her cheeks heat up at his words. "Hmm, is that true?"

"Of course it's true, why would I lie?" he scoffed, offended. "Now, close your eyes..." he smirked, leaning in closer, his lips lingering millimetres from hers. She fluttered her eyes closed at his words.

His lips pressed firmly against hers, his hands trailing up her spine. She melted into the kiss. She stood there kissing him for a few seconds before she pulled away and looked at him once more.

"Now tell me, why are you asking about marriage?"

"I just want an excuse to say how much I love you." he admitted with a soft chuckle. "I love seeing these rose-tinted cheeks of yours and how they glow like a beacon, just for me." he grinned, teasing her.

She lightly smacked his arm jokingly. "You're so unfair."

He laughed, leaning down and pecking the tip of her nose. "You love me." he grinned, raising his eyebrow at her.

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