𓆗 𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐞 - 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥

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"Wow, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you

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"Wow, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you." Lorenzo remarked, regarding her with apparent incredulity, despite simultaneously lacing his fingers around hers. His point was ridiculous; they had both been intimate yesterday. He seemed to read her thoughts, because he continued with an exaggerated, "Sleeping together is nothing compared to the lewdness of holding hands."

"Oh wow, I was sure sleeping together was a sin." She playfully spoke, rolling her eyes, squeezing his hand in hers.

"Oh, yes, sleeping together definitely is a sin... and holding hands is even more so. How dare you even suggest such a vile act to me?" Lorenzo said with heavy sarcasm, squeezing her hand more as well, looking away to hide his grin.

"Better watch out, you might end up in hell."

"Well, if we're going to hell, we might as well add a lot more sins to our list, right?" He teased, glancing at her with that same crooked grin.

"And what may that be?" She tilted her head mockingly, staring deep into his eyes.

"Oh, just a few harmless things, like kissing in public, spending the night together.. you know, the usual." He said nonchalantly, casually adding more items to the hypothetical list, even though they had done most of them already. The way he was looking at her, it was like he was mentally planning more 'sins' to add.

"Oh, kissing in public, I could never!" She exclaimed as she dramatically threw her hand over her mouth. "Who knows where those lips have been?"

"Well, I certainly know where your lips have been." Lorenzo smirked, his eyes glimmering with mischief.

The way he said it made it clear that he was implying more than what he actually was saying. She was well aware of what Lorenzo was referring to, as well as his intentions with his remark.

Her hand dropped from her mouth giving him a clear view of her mouth hanging open in shock. She stayed like that for a moment before speaking again. "How dare you accuse me of such a vile act?"

"Are you saying those lips have never been on anything but innocent things?" He teased, knowing full well where her lips had been a few times already. He was enjoying taking advantage of how flustered she felt right now.

The way her lips curled around that last word was enough to set his mind on other things once more. How can any woman be this irresistible?, he thought to himself.

Her eyed widened in shock as he spoke. "Such a sin, how dare you?" She gasped out.

"I'm just calling it as it is, darling." Lorenzo replied, still looking pointedly at her lips.

He was doing his best to keep his tone light and casual, but the truth was he enjoyed seeing her like this; flustered, breathless, and a tad bit nervous. She was cute when she was like this, but it was also a bit attractive. Lorenzo knew exactly what sort of effects his words had on her.

Her cheeks started to form into a light pink shade. "What would your mother think if she heard you speak such horrible words?" She dared him to continue.

"My mother would be utterly appalled if she learned a sinful creature her son had gotten himself involved with." Lorenzo teased, leaning closer to her a tad bit.

His gaze was full of mischief now, not even trying to hide the fact that he was enjoying being a bit provocative.

She made the sound of a fake scoff. "Oh please, your mother loves me. In fact, I think I'm her favorite."

"Ob, yes, my mother would definitely adore the idea of her son being involved with a well... a.." Lorenzo paused for a moment, feigning consideration of an appropriate term, his tone teasing her as well.

"How do I put this? An utterly sinful creature that had no morals whatsoever?" His smirk grew, his tone becoming more playful.

She gasped dramatically. "I might just tell her that her son begs on his knees for such creature." Her eyebrows raised in amusement.

"Begs on his knees? Oh, the indecency!" Lorenzo feigned dramatic outrage and mock disbelief at her words.

He was amused by her response, the image of him bowing down and pleading to her for something like a fool made him hold back a chuckle. He was throughly enjoying this little back-and-forth.

She placed her hands on her hips as she leaned in, close enough for him to hear her whisper. "What about the fact that her son is the one who suggests the intercourse? Hm? The way his lips go down her body worshipping her like a goddess."

"How scandalous!" He feigned outrage yet again, still keeping up with the theatrics. "My mother would surely disown me if she knew her son was engaged in such... such... filthy, lustful, indecent behavior with such a vile, promiscuous creature."

He had to bite his lip to hold back another chuckle. Her last statement was making it very hard for him to keep up the charade, the imagine of him kissing her body was becoming all too real and vivid. The way she described it was certainly having the intended effect on him that had likely suspected.

"What about this?" She continued, mocking him. "The way his hands guide her over him when she's on top." She smirked, pointing a finger at him. "Or, this one is better. The way he thrusts into her as the forbidden moans leave his lips."

Lorenzo's facade crumbles as he was taken aback by the sudden images in his head. Her words had brought out a very vivid and detailed picture of them engaged in several different.. very indecent acts.

Even though he knew that she was just playing around and simply trying to embarrass him, the mental images she painted were certainly enough to do the trick. His breath hitched slightly, and his face flushed a deep red.

A victory grin flashed across her lips as she took his chin in her hand. "I win."

He tried hard to compose himself, trying to look like he wasn't flustered, even though he still felt his face burning slightly. Her grin and triumphant look was proof enough, and Lorenzo had to admit she did indeed win.

"Fine, you win." He grumbled, feigning annoyance.

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