𓆗 𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 - 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐬

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Tom dropped the cigarette he'd been smoking for the last few minutes, snubbing it out on the stone of the porch

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Tom dropped the cigarette he'd been smoking for the last few minutes, snubbing it out on the stone of the porch. Clearing his throat, he let out a heavy breath of air, airing out his lungs.

He pushed the front door open, entering the manor with a lazy smile on his face. His dress shoes clicked against the floor as he took confident strides down the foyer, until he reached the bathroom door. He tapped his knuckles against it, knowing she was inside, before clearing his throat. "Sweetheart, how long will you be? Dinner reservations are for 7:30, and it's quarter till already." He informed her. Smiling from outside the door, he added on assuringly, "I'm positive you look absolutely enchanting."

"Give me like five more minutes." She called out as she applied her classic red lipstick, puckering her lips in the mirror.

Tom chuckled, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms over his chest to wait. He could smell the perfume and cosmetics, and he couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach from waiting. He'd been waiting for this dinner for a long time, and though it could end in disaster and her running away, he'd still hope for the best.

"Alright, five more minutes." Tom called back, his tone playful.

She let out a giggle as she fixed her appearance in the mirror making sure every last detail was just right. "Okay, I'm ready." She spoke as she stepped out of the bathroom.

His smile widened as she walked out, making sure to take a long gaze across her figure. His eyes drifted up to her face to take in just how beautiful she was. His gaze wandered to the red lipstick she had on, and he couldn't help but picture it smeared across his neck.

"You look amazing." He breathed, reaching his hand out for her.

Blushing at his compliment, she smiled. "Thank you, my love. Shall we?" She placed her hand out in front of him for him to take.

"Let's." He took her hand in his, lacing his fingers between hers. His hands were ice cold compared to hers, and his grip was firm. "So, my dear, have you thought a lot about what I asked you before?" He questioned politely, as he began to lead her out of the manor and to his car.

"Hm, you have to remind me of what exactly. You do talk about many things." She looked down as she walked to make sure she wouldn't trip.

"Oh, well, it wasn't exactly a small conversation." He chuckled before he continued, "Remember when I mentioned marriage? Well, that is something that I would like to discuss again. I know that you're hesitant, given my reputation. But honestly, I think that it would be beneficial for us as a couple." He turned to look down at her, smiling at her blush.

The smile never left her lips. "Oh, that." She turned to fix his suit jacket as she spoke. She was never able to look into his eyes at moments like these, she would become too nervous. "I think that it's such a big commitment and we haven't been together all that long."

He rolled his lips together, taking a breath. Of course, he knew she would reject the offer again, but a small part of him wondered if she'd actually accept this time. Unfortunately, after a few weeks of asking, he knew the chances of her accepting the proposal were slim to none.

"I understand where you're coming from, darling, I do." He explained patiently. "But think about it, the benefits and the status that our marriage would give us is invaluable."

She tilted her head as she listened to his every word. "Very true, however it shouldn't just be about the benefits and status." She shifted in her stance before continuing, "It's so much for than that."

He nodded, turning away to hide his frown. Hearing her speak of marriage as if it was something more than status and benefits upset him. He had come so far, and he had managed to seduce her, so why was she still hesitant about marriage?

"I understand that it is more than status and benefits." He stated, turning back to face her. "I truly do. But, it would make me extremely happy once the world knows that we are husband and wife, and they shall bow to us as a power couple."

She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as she wrapped her coat around her frame. "I don't think it would be a terrible thing to get married, I'm just scared." She admitted. "Once we marry, you can't just change your mind about me."

His brow furrowed, and that frown from earlier came back. Why was she so hesitant about marriage? He had done everything to prove that he would stay, even when she rejected him before. What was she so afraid of? Was she really that hesitant to trust him?

"I understand that." He sighed and looked away briefly, taking another breath. "But please, darling, I know that marriage is... a huge deal. But, I assure you that I have no intention on changing my mind on marrying you."

She frowned but her words held a different emotion. "We don't even live together."

"Yet. We will live together once we're married, no?" Tom questioned, raising an eyebrow and keeping his expression neutral. "And, in all honesty? I couldn't wait for us to live together. To wake up and see your beautiful face, to be held by your beautiful hands, to wake up together... it's something that I dream about every night." The tone in his voice was pure passion, and he couldn't help but imagine the life he could have with her, if only she'd believe him.

She took his hands in hers and squeezed them gently. "I think you've just convinced me."

A smile spread across Tom's features, and his heart skipped a beat. "Are you sure, sweetheart?" He asked, squeezing her hands in return because he couldn't get enough of touching her. "You're willing to marry me?"

She gave him a genuine smile in return. "I am." She confirmed, the two words small but powerful.

He couldn't help but feel a feeling of pure bliss as she accepted his request. Finally, all his efforts had not been for nothing. His smile grew even bigger as he looked down at her, his eyes almost shining from all the happiness. "I- wow." He breathed, completely at a loss for words to describe how he felt. He held her hand in his, brushing his thumb along her wrist. "Are you positive?"

She nodded. "Don't get too excited, I still expect a proper proposal."

He chuckled, shaking his head lovingly as he looked into her eyes. "And you shall get one, my love." He leaned forward to lay a quick kiss on her lips, before turning his attention to the driveway that was still a ways away. "But right now? Let's get to dinner, and afterward, I'll give you the proposal you deserve."

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