𓆗 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 - 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡

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The day stretched on , unkind in its length and the exhaustion it left in its wake

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The day stretched on , unkind in its length and the exhaustion it left in its wake. However, a spontaneous decision to hook up with Draco Lucius Malfoy, the prince of the school, had injected a surprising cheerfulness in her mood. There was something inherently uplifting about finding herself cuddled up with him under the blankets in his dormitory. His hair, tousled in a boyish manner , framed his face, and his eyes sparkled with a warmth that seemed to radiate within. They squinted slightly, as if gazing in the sun, but in reality, his focus was solely on her.

Draco cradled her close to his broad chest , his thumb circling her abdomen in a serene, comforting rhythm. Silvery scars, almost completely healed, adorned his chest and mirrored the ones on his back. Earlier on, in the intimacy of the room, he had shared with her the origin of those scars.

"Stop moving so much. Is it really that difficult to stay still while I smother you in affection?" Draco huffed, a playful mix of amusement and mock-indignation in his tone. He sealed his words with a gentle kiss planted on the crown of her head.

She let out a quiet giggle. "I'm just trying to get more comfortable."

"Hmm." He tilted his head slightly to the side, eyeing her skeptically as his thumb continued its slow circles. "How are you not already comfortable? I thought you liked cuddling with me?" There was a light smirk on his face as he spoke, clearly amused at her attempt to find a reason to wiggle free.

"I do, I just wanted to do it in a different position." She immediately smiled after speaking, flipping herself over so she could face him. The life she was currently living in felt like a dream, one she didn't want to wake up from.

Draco scoffed at that. "You can't stand being still even for a heartbeat, can you?" He shifted his position slightly, adjusting her so she was lying down in his arms. "There. Is that 'comfortable' enough for you?" His tone was teasing, yet playful, and the gentle smirk stayed on his lips.

She nuzzled herself into him, getting a better feel at the heat radiating off his body. "Much better."

"Yeah?" He ran his hand along her back, tracing the line of her spine with his fingertips. "And what makes this particular position so much more 'comfortable' for you, hmm?"

"I can feel you better." A light shade of pink taking over the pale skin of her cheeks.

"You can feel me better?" Draco hummed curiously, his thumb running down the smooth length of her back and ending around the small of her waist. His eyebrows quirked and he looked down at her, his gaze assessing her for a moment before his expression turned to his usual arrogant expression. "So, you want to feel my muscles?" He smirked, a low chuckle emanating from his throat.

"Oh, shush." She hushed him, wanting to take this moment in and not let go.

"Or what?" He huffed, the amusement evident in his tone, but there was also a slight hint of challenge there. He let his hands roam over her body, running his fingertips playfully down her sides and arms whilst his eyes roamed over her body.

She didn't give in to his teasing however. She remained silent as she fluttered her eyes closed, her head resting gently upon his chest listening to his heartbeat.

They stayed like that most of the morning, just enjoying each other's company. It was a long while before she spoke up again, "Okay, don't judge me when I ask you this. But, do you do this with every girl that you hook up with?"

"I don't judge." He replied, although there was a hint of amusement in his tone at her question. Despite her words, he could feel her body twitching with nerves, but it did not bother him at all. It made her seem more real and less like the usual girls who threw themselves at his feet whenever he passed them by in the corridors.

"But, to answer your question," He answered slowly, his voice a low rumble as he spoke, "Are you asking if I cuddle girls after hooking up with them?"

She nodded as she stared at their intertwined bodies. Usually, she would never ask such a question, especially to a hook up but the curiosity was starting to eat at her.

The corners of his lips turned upward into a small grin. "A curious one, aren't you?" He said softly, noticing the way her cheeks had flushed pink.

"The answer is no." He added a moment later. "I've never been the clingy sort. But," he paused, his expression hardening for a brief moment, "There's something about you that makes me want to be clingy."

"Well I enjoy it." She smiled before looking up into his grey eyes, a bit of nervousness showing when she chewed on her bottom lip. "It's nice."

Draco chuckled at her nervous gesture, glancing down and taking notice of the way her soft lips moved as she nibbled on them. Despite his cold and aloof demeanor, he was surprisingly adept at reading people's body languages, and currently, he could tell that she was nervous.

"Yeah?" He echoed, his tone low and full of his usual teasing. "You like being cuddled by me?"

"Shut up." She jokingly replied. "I just mean that I like the closeness, I'm really fond of it." Even though she didn't exactly address it, she enjoyed the fact that she had gotten to know him better throughout the morning.

His expression softened slightly, although her response made him chuckle. "Fond, huh? I take it that you like being with me, then?" He pressed, a tiny smirk appearing on his lips as he toyed with her verbally, a game he enjoyed playing. Despite the teasing, the question was genuine; Draco was aware of how emotionally detached he was, and this line of conversation had piqued his interest, to see if she felt the same way he did.

"You're great company." She smiled, glancing back into his eyes as she spoke.

"Am I?" He mused, noticing how she avoided his question by giving a simple compliment; he could not help but raise an eyebrow, although the smile that appeared on his face seemed genuine. So she does feel the same way. He thought to himself for a moment.

"If I'm great company, then I guess that means you like me being around?"

"I guess so." She teased before placing her head back down onto his chest.

"Guess so?" He chuckled, feeling the way she shifter her body and laid her head back against his chest; it made her seem even more delicate and helpless, an illusion the other students would definitely not be aware of.

"I take it that means that I am no longer just a hookup to you; that my company is something you'll accept even if we're not being freaky?" He teased, his fingers playing with the hem of her shirt.

"I'll always accept your company." She admitted. "I guess you could say that I feel a connection."

There was a brief pause as Draco processed her words. A connection. Those were two powerful words, and she had been careful to emphasize it with a hint of importance.

"There's a connection between us?" He repeated, his tone still casual and calm, but the way his expression softened betrayed the curiosity he felt at her words. "And you're not just messing with me?"

"What? Are you telling me you don't feel it?" She asked, trying to be careful with her words so she didn't scare him away.

"It's more about the fact that you were the first one to say it." He admitted, his fingers still stroking the hem of her shirt as she laid against him, warm and close. "I've been getting these... feelings lately, as if the whole world becomes more lively when you're around. And now you've said there's a connection between us; that makes it much more real, you see?"

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