𓆗 𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐞 - 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬

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Lorenzo had been scrutinizing her throughout dinner in the great hall, dismissing the chatter of other slytherin students

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Lorenzo had been scrutinizing her throughout dinner in the great hall, dismissing the chatter of other slytherin students. His eyes delved into hers, attempting to uncover the source of her distress.

Now, well past curfew, he quietly entered her room, the door clicking shut behind him. Leaning against the doorframe, his gaze fixated on her with evident concern. "I know I should be on patrol, but I'm freaking out about you, babe. Tell me, what's up?" He urged, his brows furrowed in genuine worry. Adjusting his tie with a casual grace, he maneuvered around her belongings to reach her. Tonight, he had forgone his black robes, opting for black slacks and a white shirt — odd, considering he was meant to be on prefect patrol. He shouldn't even be here.

She stood in front of her full-length mirror beside her bed, where she was previously looking over her figure. She quickly bent down, throwing something small towards her pile of blankets on the floor in sheer panic as she saw him walking over, kicking her blanket to cover it.

Earlier today, she felt awfully sick and her period was late. She was previously starting at the 'positive' pregnancy test, her eyes darting between it and her stomach before he came in.

He observed a certain shiftiness in her movements as he crossed the room, his eyes narrowing as he noticed her hands darting to and fro. His gaze shifted to the pile of blankets in the corner, his suspicion only growing. The tension in the room was palpable as he reached the end of the bed, taking in her expression carefully as the color drained from her face.

"Come here." He muttered, gripping her hands and yanking her towards him.

She stumbled over her own feet for a second before regaining her balance. Her eyes slowly glanced from their hands to his eyes. She mentally debated if she should stay quiet or not before opting against it. "You aren't supposed to be here."

"I don't care what I'm supposed to be doing." He retorted hotly, his grip on her hands tightening before he let go. "Right now I need to know what the hell is wrong with you."

The concern in his voice wasn't feigned, the lines on his face growing deeper. There was an obvious shift in his behavior, a stark contrast compared to the cold pompous prick he normally posed as. His gaze shifted back to where her hands had previously been, settling on the mess of blankets in the corner.

She placed her hand on the side of his face, pushing slightly for him to look at her again. "Nothing is wrong with me." She spoke, wanting his focus to be on her.

The touch of her hand against his cheek, brought a small flicker of annoyance to his eyes, his brows furrowing as he met her gaze with an unwavering look. His grip on her wrists returned, tighter than before, but his composure remained steady.

"Then why are you being so sneaky?" He asked, his tone ride with suspicion. "You've been acting strange all afternoon."

"Sneaky?" Her eyebrows knitted together. "I've been sick. You know this." She tried her best to remain calm despite her heart racing in her chest and her hands becoming sweaty.

Lorenzo frowned as she attempted to reassure him, the frown deepening even further as he observed the subtle panic that clung to her expression, though she tried to disguise it. It wasn't lost on him.

"Sick my ass." He spat, his grip becoming even tighter around her wrists. "You're hiding something. I know you are."

"Lorenzo, stop!" She motioned to her hands as she tried to break free from her grip.

"No", he retorted sharply, refusing to loosen his grip on her wrists. His eyes raked over her figure once again, lingering on the slight bulge her stomach area had acquired over recent weeks. The realization struck him at once.

"Oh my god." He muttered. She's pregnant.

Her face twisted in confusion as she followed his gaze down to her stomach, her eyes suddenly widening. "Lorenzo..." Her voice was quiet.

His jaw clenched at the confirmation to his earlier suspicions, a wave of shock washing over his expression as he wrestled to accept his new reality. His grip loosened around her wrists as he took a step back, his jaw practically chewing on itself as he processed her announcement.

He couldn't have looked more petrified if he tried. His mouth worked overtime, the silence weighing heavily between them as he struggled to formulate a reaction.

She watched him with a look of worry. She was waiting for him to lash out on her. Waiting for him to blame himself for not using protection. Something. "Please. Say something.."

He wanted to blame her, lash out on her, but as soon as those words slipped from her lips, his anger dissipated entirely.

"We're.." He swallowed as his mouth went dry, eyes darting all over her stomach and back to her eyes. He still couldn't believe it. "We're having a baby."

"We are." She confirmed in a soft voice, reaching her hand out for his.

When her hand met his, he squeezed lightly with an absentminded grin, a rare expression that seemed to fit him perfectly.

After a beat of comfortable silence, he spoke, his gaze averted elsewhere, unable to look her in the eye. "I- I'm going to be a father." He mumbled, before glancing up at her with a slightly sheepish  expression on his face. His eyes searched hers.

She walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him. "You aren't mad?

A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as she came closer. "Mad?" He mused, his free hand coming to gently entwine its way around the small of her back as he brought her closer. "I'm overjoyed." He admitted with a chuckle that caught in his throat.

A bright smile plastered itself onto her face. "I'm so relieved to hear you say that."

As she beamed at his response, the faint lines across the bridge of his nose smoothed, the tenseness of his brow softening and smoothing out completely. His thumb gently brushed across her knuckles, his smile warming at her relieved response.

"I always had a feeling we would be parents someday" He murmured , tilting his head slightly as he studied her expression. "We're going to make incredible parents."

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