𓆗 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 - 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞

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(TW! Animal harm!)

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(TW! Animal harm!)


Draco gestured abrasively towards the remaining baby mockingbird, which squawked confused, in its nest surrounded by the unmoving figures of his now dead siblings.

"It's not that difficult. Just do this job; say Avada Kedavra and it'll all be over." The tip of the - devastatingly handsome - seventh years wand pressed against the frantic little bird.

"Unless you'd rather Crucio it?" He shot an expectant look, impatience threaded into his every curt word.

Tears welded in her eyes, she couldn't do it. "They're innocent, they don't deserve to die!" She yelled, pushing his wand away.

"No baby bird is innocent." Draco said, as seriously as if he were saying the most factual statement known to mankind. He pressed the tip of his wand against the trembling birds skull once again.

His voice was so commanding, so insistent, that he almost managed to sound like there was logic and reason behind his word. She looked away and sobbed. She couldn't take it. This was cruel.

He rolled his eyes, annoyed at having to wait around. "You've been a witch at Hogwarts for 6 years and you still can't cast the unforgivable curses? You're pathetic."

He took her face into his hands, forcing her to look at him. Despite himself, he softened his gaze into a pitying expression.

The waterworks caused her vision to go blurry. She hated that she felt weak. She hated that her parents have turned her kind soul into a death eater. To kill the innocent.

He flicked his wand to summon a handkerchief, shoving it in her hand.

"You're pathetic and I'm not sure if I want to continue 'training' you. If you think a simple Avada is bad, you'd just love the rest of the things I have in store for you." His voice held a cruel amusement.

She took the handkerchief and dried her tears. She had no choice in this matter, she had to do as she was told.

Her shaking hand brought up her wand slowly, pointing it at the bird. "Avada Kedavra." The green magic spitted from the tip and took the bird's innocent life. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, trying not to cry anymore.

As soon as the green hue from the fatal spell settled, Draco smiled in satisfaction, patting her on the shoulder.

"That's my girl. You'll get used it and it'll get easier, don't worry. Next time, you won't have as much of a problem, I promise you."

She couldn't speak, she was so upset. She gave a swift nod before she straightened up her body. There was a few moments of silence until she spoke again, "What's next?"

His face twisted into a slight sneer of disgust. "Stop crying like a sissy and get over it. We don't have time for you to have another mental breakdown. Next we are hunting some muggles."
He grabbed her hand, pulling her swiftly away.

A gasp left her mouth as he pulled her. Her feet tried to catch up with his speed.

His grip on her wrist was firm as he led her through the dark, stone castle, his eyes set ahead, unwavering. Draco's demeanor was calm and focused, but the subtle tug of his lips and crinkling of his eyes hinted at an underlying excitement.

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