𓆗 𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐞 - 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞

978 12 1

The neatly formed origami landed on the girl's desk with complete silence

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The neatly formed origami landed on the girl's desk with complete silence. It wasn't a flower, like persistent Lorenzo Berkshire's last one; no, this one was a perfectly crafted frog that unfurled itself to reveal the words - neatly scrawled in vibrant red ink.

'Will you be my Valentine, doll? '

Lorenzo whispered her name from behind, drawing her attention, before muttering in a hushed manner, "Reply this bloody time, will you? At this point, even a 'no' is enough for me."

She flickered her eyes from the boy behind her to the note. She took a few minutes before writing:

'I would be honored. '

This was a usual occurrence between the two. Lorenzo was always writing her notes during classes, asking her on dates or simply complimenting her on her looks.

She looked down at her reply satisfied before grabbing her wand and with a flick the from reformed and jumped back to Lorenzo's desk.

His chest tightened with a rush of relief at the reply from her. Lorenzo was no stranger to rejection, but the fear of losing the girl's company was very real.

He stared at her note with a smile plastered on his face before picking it ip. "I should frame this." He spoke, staring at it with pure affection before looking at her with his usual, flirtatious and cheeky grin. She turned in her seat, looking at the reaction of the beautiful masterpiece that was the brunette boy with a smile.

He smirked under her gaze, his brown eyes almost sparkling. "So..", he started, leaning back against the chair as he talked, but making sure he left enough space between the two for the note to shine in its place, "Have any plans for Valentine's Day?" He asked, his tone teasing yet playful.

"Hm, I don't think so." She played along.

His smirk grew as he crossed his arms. "Well, are you thinking of spending the afternoon with anyone, perchance?" He asked her teasingly, raising an eyebrow up at her.

She took a look at her nails, pretending to observe them for a few moments before speaking again. "I think I'll be spending it alone."

"Shame, really." His tone stayed light even as he leaned in a few inches, his lips parting into a cheeky grin. "Because you'd look absolutely stunning sitting across from me, dressed to the nines."

A smirk crept her way onto her lips as she took in his words. "I do look great, don't I?" She teased.

His tone turned even more flirtatious after noticing the smirk on her lips. "In the understatement of the century." He said, his eyes trailing down her body.

She leaned forward, crossing her arms on top of his desk. "I have boys telling me that all day, but your opinion is the only one that matters."

He raised an eyebrow at the comment — though deep down he was flattered by the statement — before leaning forward as well, copying her movements. "You mean that?" He asked, lowering his head just close enough to smell her perfume.

She gave him a genuine smile. "I do."

His smirk grew as he realized the truth in her statement, and he felt his cheeks heat up. He'd never had a woman look at him in any other way than with disinterested, and for her to be this interested.. he'd never felt this way before.

"Tell you what, doll", he began softly, his tone becoming even more seductive as he spoke, "How about you wear that lovely dress you wore last Hogsmeade weekend for our little dinner."

She instantly knew he was talking about the beautiful black dress that fit her body perfectly, showing off every curve. "I shall do that. It does look quite amazing."

He chuckled, his eyes raking in her appearance. "You look sexy in it", he whispered, bring his gaze back to her eyes as he added, "I'll pick you up at six then."

"I'll see you then."

When the bell rung stating the end of class, she gathered her things and stood up. She shot him a quick wink before heading back to her dormitory.

He watched her go with a smirk plastered on his face, his eyes following her body as she walked away from him in graceful movements. He'd been seeing her for over a year now, and he was sure the wait has been worth it. This Valentine's would be the night she finally gave all of herself to him.

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