𓆗 𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 - 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲

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Somehow the pair ended up in a heated argument, over something so small and completely ridiculous

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Somehow the pair ended up in a heated argument, over something so small and completely ridiculous.

She knew Tom had a bad temper, however she didn't know it could be this bad. She said something that had made his every last bit of patience vanish, and he finally snapped by giving her a firm slap across the face.

"Don't you dare talk back to me." Tom hissed, his tone threatening. However, he felt the smallest speck of remorse in his cold-heart for hurting his loved one.

Her head flew to the side from the impact as her hand raised up to her now stinging cheek. She wasn't upset though as she just smiled manically. "Oh, so that's how it is?" She laughed. She stepped up to him, pushing her hand into his chest. "Hitting me? Oh love, you have to do better than that to shut me up." She was crazy, almost crazier than him. Maybe that is why they worked so well.

Tom was a bit shocked by her reaction, he had never seen her so.. unconcerned about being hit. Most people would be crying by now.

His anger grew as she stepped closer to him, pushing his chest. He didn't know if she was even upset, in fact, he couldn't understand how she was acting right now. The only thing he could understand was that she needed to be taught a lesson to respect him. "You want to play that game, eh?"

"I hope you're ready to lose, Riddle." Her eyes were dark, anger spread through her body like a wildfire. She wasn't about to back down, especially not after how he had just treated her.

He smirked, he didn't know if he could be scared or not. He had never seen her like this before. He could tell that she wasn't playing around anymore, which meant things would likely get ugly if he didn't calm down.

However, her words and the look in her eye infuriated him. He didn't like to be threatened, especially by someone who is beneath him. "You don't even know what you are getting yourself into."

"You don't scare me." She stated as she stared daggers into him. "You never have and you never will." She jabbed her finger into his chest before adding, "I have been with you for four years now. I know you think lowly of me."

His jaw clenched as he realized that she was right. He had thought lowly of her since they first started dating, seeing her as less than him. Someone he could easily control to his liking. But now, the idea of losing control, of her actually not being lesser than him set him on edge.

"You never stood up to me before. Are you saying you don't fear me now?"

She laughed at him, actually laughed. "Fear you? I never did."

He was taken aback by hearing those words come from her mouth. All this time he believed himself to be the one in complete control of this relationship, and to find out she didn't actually fear him...

"If you have never feared me, why didn't you fight back before?"

"I wanted to be the perfect girl, for you." She pushed him back. "Just to be treated like scum. But I dealt with it because I love you." Even though they had been together for so long, she had never said those three words to him. They weren't big on spilling out their affection for each other.

He felt a sense of guilt that washed over him as she spoke. He had been so cold to her this whole time, yet she still loved him. He had never felt loved before, and having that knowledge made him feel something he had never felt before.

His heart beat faster, and the coldness inside of him suddenly felt warmer at the thought. "You love me, even after all of this?"

Her anger started to flow away. "Of course I do. That may make me crazy but I'm crazy for you."

He had no choice but to admit it, despite his cold exterior, hearing those three words come from her mouth made his stomach twist with joy.

"You aren't crazy." Tom confessed. "You're one of the only people in this world who I know, and probably one of the few things that make me feel.. human, if you could forgive me."

Her shoulders slumped as she stared at him as she looked at him, feeling almost relieved in a way. But she couldn't stop herself from smirking. "Are you trying to apologize? The scary Tom Riddle apologizing?"

He laughed, despite the fact that her words were true. "Yes, maybe I am." Tom admitted, as that little spark of hope inside of him suddenly grew brighter as he saw her smirk. "The scary Tom Riddle, is saying that he is sorry for all the bad things he's done to you. And that he promises to never do anything like that again."

She flashed him a gentle smile as she lightly placed her hand on his arm. "I never thought I would see the day."

He took a deep breath as his anger completely melted away. He felt something he never felt before, relief.

"Are you accepting my apology?" Tom asked, unable to believe what he was hearing.

"Maybe I am." She stepped closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He was over a foot taller than her so she placed her chin gently on his chest to look up at him.

"Does that mean I can do this?" Tom asked with a smirk on his face. He wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her body into his.

"I guess so." She smirked. "I can't believe I finally said those words." She laughed at herself before adding, "and you left me hanging."

He chuckled at her comment. "Well then, let me rectify it." He lowered his head, brushing his lips over hers. "I love you." He whispered, finally saying those three words after all this time.

She pressed her lips against his in a much needed kiss. She never thought she would see the day that Tom became completely soft.

He squeezed her tightly against him, savoring every second of this kiss. He wasn't the cold hearted person he usually was, not while he was with her, not while he was holding her. And not when he had sworn to be the boyfriend she deserved.

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