The Nanite Queen

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Matt voiced the thoughts of the NINE as he said: "I can't believe what I'm seeing, we are having classic Chinese cuisine in an authentic restaurant, in a period-perfect nineteenth-century setting."

"If that isn't enough, it's topped off with an oriental looking, SP1 Elvis Presley avatar, singing love songs... Look at its hair style. Asian Elvis has its hair, just perfect. I love it. Elvis is my greatest all-time favourite singer, Sharon."

On the stage, SP1 Elvis clicked its manipulator fingers together and said: "Thank you. Thank you very much. I'll take a break, friends, and I'll be back in five." SP1 Elvis wiped its face with a towel and tossed it into the audience.

Sharon leaned into Matt and whispered: "I can tell you are suffering from a man-crush right now."

Matt replied: "After seeing all this, I feel like I'm in a time machine."

Matt's face was animated with excitement as he said: "Words cannot adequately describe how I feel right now."

Sharon said: "Oh God. Today, we visited an authentic American Indian Tepee village, complete with Indian avatars selling beaver fur-lined jackets, buckskin clothes, and moccasins, and... 'this food tastes divine.' SP1 really knows how to cook; I just don't understand this whole fantasy thing it has going on." She took another mouthful and revelled in the flavours from a lost world."

Josie overheard Sharon and wanted to explain the reason SP1 did this, so asked: "Administrators, I would love to tell why SP1 is doing this if it's okay?"

Sharon dabbed a napkin against her lips and said: "I would love to hear it, Josie."

The room went silent, as all eyes turned to Josie. Josie's porcelain cheeks turned a little red as she self-consciously said: "It started when we had our date night in the Sun. The one where we dined and danced in the Sun's Chromosphere. With nothing between us and the fury of a sun, except compressed gravity. We four will remember it for all eternity. Well. SP1 saw that we loved it so much and doing it for us made SP1 feel rewarded and appreciated. I think that since then, we five... six if you count Peter, are fated to be together."

"When we bought Peter on board, he suffered terrible boredom until SP1 decided to give him his own avatar. Then things progressed as they do with kids and before long SP1 started playing games designed with education in mind."

"SP1 has a copy of the entire human history, including movies, historical fact and data on every person and event of note in from all cultures in written history. Suddenly, the teacher, slash babysitter, became the actor in dramas designed to educate Peter."

She gestured to their surrounds and said: "All this stems from that one memorable date. We see constantly changing characters out of history wherever we are, depending on the period under study and it makes life on SP1 like living in a fairy tale reality."

Josie said: "If SP1 were able to make bodies like Adara and Storm can, Ahh, just imagine the fantasy sites we would see. Oh, but that's not all, there's also a fun park on level seven with lots of wild rides and even a rollercoaster. There are clowns, hotdogs, and fairy floss. SP1 calls the fun park 'Graviton Peter Pan land.' After Peter and an ancient Disneyland character. Peter even gets to fly around in that one."

"There's a period-perfect shopping area on level six that caters to each of our tastes. This oriental one is for Alex; he has a thing for anything Asian. For Debbie, its Paris in the seventeenth century."

"For Marc, it's the Arabian souk market and restaurant, He loves to lounge about, smoking the 'hubbly bubbly' with four or five SP1 period actors. The hubbly bubbly gurgles like a blocked toilet by the way and women aren't allowed in there... It's men only. Then for me, SP1 made little Scotland. She leaned over and whispered: "My husband looks good in a kilt." Marc snorted into his drink and Josie punched his leg, then they both laughed.

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