Battle for Infinity Hub

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Matt communicated verbally to the council members present in the conference room on Eden and 'B' Sharp relayed the content of the meeting to SP all ships not present.

Matt said: "We have just received word from the Emissary Queen this morning, relayed by SP2 informing her that the Bennu attack fleets were last seen sprinting toward the hyperlight barrier and Infinity Hub."

Matt continued: "We know that this news is about four months old, so it means that the Bennu will be waiting for us at their full strength, so I question how the queen has been so slow to pass on information. Her communication is instant."

Adara replied through the 'B' Sharp comms system: "Administrator, I want to give her the benefit of the doubt until she proves me wrong. I don't want to lose an ally with false accusations. Let us play it by ear concerning her loyalty. If this is a trap, it does not matter as with every space battle we fought since our first at Jupiter; the numbers arrayed against no longer matter."

Matt said: "Okay, if there is a diabolical plot, we'll let it play out and do our best to deal with it when it slaps us in the face, as always."

Storm said: "Administrators, we have fifteen hours to get our forces into position for a simultaneous transition into sub-light.

Matt said: That gives us more than enough time for one last adjustment to the plan."

Matt left the head of the conference table and said: "Turn on the Holovid and show the representation of my revised attack strategy, Eden."

The Holovid played out the attack simulation as Matt spoke, and he said: "I'm positive that no other species in any universe or alleged multiverse, has the computing power, communication, timing, or teamwork, to pull off a coordinated attack like this one I'm now showing you. I know I always say simple is best, but not on this occasion. Watch."

The Holovid showed two Human fleets appearing instantly, in two giant contracting spheres, as they simultaneously drop from Hyperlight, into sub light, one fleet on a course toward the Warehouse, and the other, toward Infinity HUB.

Matt said: "The 'contracting sphere attack' is the only way we can effectively prevent any vessels escaping. The entry coordinates and trajectory for each ship has been sent and received. You should be lining up on those as I speak."

"I think that initially, the Bennu will be falling all over themselves, with laughter at our audacity to attack the mighty Bennu with one mothership and twelve hundred warships."

"On top of that, I believe they will think we are 'braindead-foolish' to split our limited forces into two fleets for a simultaneous attack on two separate targets. Remember what I always say, 'it is always better to be underestimated.' It means the shock and awe factor multiplies when we unleash out modified weapons into the heart of their fleets. I hope the shock will translate into panic."

SP1 said: "No species except the Morfin and possibly the Krell, have seen the effect of our weapons because we have not used them since the war against the Family. At most, they will have heard rumours."

Matt said: "I hope that is the case. We can't hide our graviton wake, so there is no such thing as a stealthy attack for humans. The new approach plan I have conceived is the only way I can see us closing off all escape routes."

"Now, when our fleets arrive at the munition's dispersal point, before we commit to an attack, we will launch all our AI-controlled mobile munitions and attack avatars to their pre-programmed 'standby' positions... Then, when everything is in place, I will give the order to commence the attack. We must destroy every enemy ship as we reduce attack spheres, toward the enemy. Any munition that doesn't fire on a Bennu target is a wasted weapon."

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