(Part 1)

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A faint but familiar sound rang through my ears as I woke up. I grunted when I realized that it was the song I had set up as an alarm so I didn't wake up startled by a blaring alarm sound at 7 in the morning.

Slowly reaching across the bed to find my phone to shut it off, Come With Me Now by KONGOS kept blasting through it. "Fuuuck" I whined as I couldn't find it. Opening my eyes, I lifted my head off the pillow and lifted it to see if it was under it. Finally finding it and shutting off the alarm, I huffed and fell down on the bed, willing myself to 5 more minutes of peaceful sleeping time. Only to have my mom opening the door to my room a couple moments later calling my name. I opened my eyes once again to see her leaning against the door frame looking unimpressed.

"Mija you need to get up or you're gonna be late for school... Again."

"Fiiinee" Lifting myself off the bed to a sitting position leaning against the headboard.

Smiling my mom left the room to go help my sister Sofi get ready like every morning. I fetched my phone from under the covers to find 2 texts and a couple Twitter and Tumblr notifications. Deleting the latter ones, I decided to check the messages.


China: You're picking me up today remember? So get your filthy ass outta bed and drive me to the hell we call our school

Chuckling a little at the last text I decided to send her a message.

Me: Well good morning to you too Cheechee

I received a reply not even a minute later.

China: Yeah yeah good morning Chancho. I'm waiting...

I glanced at the time to see that I had to get ready in 5 minutes so I Quickly got off the bed but not before sending another good morning text. Scrambling to the bathroom and gracefully hitting my pinky toe on the door frame, I did my daily routine in record time and got to my bedroom to change. Putting on light wash denim jeans, a black crop top and my black convers, I looked at myself in the mirror and found that today was a good hair day. Nice. I thought before grabbing my bag and running down the stairs to the kitchen where I found my mom reading the newspaper with a coffee cup in her hand and my little sister eating breakfast beside her. I grabbed an apple from the counter and greeted my little sister.

"Morning princess" I said kissing the top of her head.

"Good morning Milaa!" She smiled brightly at me and I found myself smiling too.

"Mami me voy, where are the keys?" I asked my mom.

"They're on the table by the front door. Have a nice day honey, Love you!" she said before I ran to the door.

"Love you too!" I said before shutting the door and climbing into my car and turning on the engine.

Contrary to popular belief I'm a fairly good driver. Just because I'm a clutz doesn't mean I'm not good behind a wheel. I actually think I'm the best driver out of my group of friends, half of them don't even have their driver's license yet so hey, kudos to me for passing the test on my second try. I arrived at Dinah's not even five minutes later. And honked the horn just to annoy her. While I waited for her I decided to eat my apple and check my phone to see if I had gotten a reply to the message I sent earlier. I smiled to myself when I saw a new message from her.

Me: Good morning loser

Lauren: Morning Camz :)

I heard the car door open and close. I looked up from my phone to see an amused Dinah looking at me expectantly.

Is There Something? ➳ (Camren) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now