(Part 4)

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After an unbelievably long Monday morning, lunch finally came around and I found myself, again, being the first one arriving at our seats in the quad. I sat down and after unpacking some leftover lasagna from last night -I wouldn't dare touch the cafeteria food to save my life- Dinah and Zendaya were the first ones to show up today.

"Mila, we need to go out." Dinah deadpanned as they both sat down at their usual spot.

"Where and why?" I asked as I bit into my food.

"You need new clothes."

"And what's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing some dark blue jeans with a black t-shirt that said 'I hate Mondays', a floral snapback and a pair of converse.

"You've worn that shirt so many times, I'm surprised it hasn't got any holes in it."

Zendaya nodded "Yeah, we need to get you something else to wear. Plus I wanna buy a new bikini for this Friday."

I looked at Dinah "And why would I go?"

"Because I think you owe me after you practically threw me out of your house on Saturday."

I put the fork down on the bowl and put my pointer finger on my chin. "Oh really? 'Cause last time I checked, you did the same thing to me the Sunday after Demi's party." I smiled sarcastically at her. "So you see, I don't owe you shit."

"Oh come on" Zendaya whined. "At least go with us so you can help me choose a bathing suit."

At that, Hailee sat down and smiled at Zendaya "What with bathing suits?"

"I need a new one and I want Mila to go and help me pick one because I know that this one here-" she nodded over at Dinah, "-will be paying attention to her own clothes and won't help for shit."

"Hey that's not-" We all looked at her with a serious face "Okay fine, whatever. Can you just go with us?"

"I'm going too." Hailee looked at me "Come on, I'll keep Dinah busy if you want." She looked at the Polynesian girl with a smirk, which was returned with a smack at the back of the head.

I took a moment to answer, then noticed that a certain green-eyed girl's absence and furrowed my eyebrows. I haven't seen her since I bumped into her on Saturday, she didn't even answer my text this morning. I got the strangest feeling that she was avoiding me. "Where's Lauren?"

Hailee looked around like she hadn't even noticed she wasn't here. "I don't know, she told me she had something to do but that she would be here." She shrugged then looked at me. "I guessed she got held back, don't worry she'll go to mall later too. You going or not?"

I sighed then dropped my head at the back of the bench. "Fine"


"Dinah I swear if you make me try on something else, you're gonna be riding the bus for the rest of the semester." I told her as I planted my feet on the ground and she tried to drag me towards 'Forever 21'. We've been at the mall for over an hour and Hailee's plan to keep Dinah from bothering me had been a total bust. I had to go to back to my car to leave a couple of bags there and I'm practically almost bankrupted at the moment.

She quickly let go of my arm "Oh god no. Okay I'm done." She looked towards the girls who were standing beside me and took Hailee and Zendaya's arms in her own. "You two are coming with me." And left with Hailee looking back at me with pleading eyes and I just looked back at her with a smile, glad to be free of Dinah for a little while.

I looked back when I heard a throat clearing behind me and noticed that I was left alone with Lauren. She was looking at everything around us rather than me, and I wondered why.

Is There Something? ➳ (Camren) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now