(Part 12)

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The small vacation we had going on ended sooner than I would have liked.

Lauren had received a call from her parents on Friday saying that they would get home Saturday morning, having had a change in their flight.

So we went out that same night after the call and went on home the next morning.

I had some mixed feelings about the situation. I was happy that after a whole week I was finally going to see my mom and my little sister, I have never been away from them for so long. But at the same time I had a feeling of dread at the bottom of my stomach. It was telling me that what I had experienced with Lauren may not repeat itself and I didn't know how to feel about that.

I didn't know how she was feeling but I had a pretty good idea when I would look at her now and then while I was driving and see her with her eyebrows furrowed, playing with a loose thread in her jeans.

She hates this too... But is it because of the same reason as me?


I've never considered myself a religious person. But the moment that I saw Lauren getting on her bike with her leather jacket and ripped skinny jeans, I swear I saw the face of God.

Although that moment of bliss was short lived when I heard the engine roaring to life and saw her getting it out of the garage.

I looked down and chuckled bitterly when she made her way to where I was standing on the sidewalk. She had been a little weird with me since this morning but I guess it's because she finally got tired of me.

She lasted more than I thought she would.

"Are you okay?" I heard her voice.

"Hm?" I looked up and saw here fiddling with her helmet in hand. "I'm fine, just tired. It was a long drive."

"Yeah, it was... Well, get some rest okay?"

"Do you even know me? The moment my body hits that bed, not even an earthquake will wake me up." I gave her a crooked smile and she chuckled. At least she still smiled at my stupid attempt at making her laugh.

"I'll leave you to it then. I have to go, Chris texted me a while ago that he had to talk to me about something." She furrowed her eyebrows and looked down. When she looked back up there was something different in her eyes. There was desperation and something I couldn't quite pin down and it got me worried.

She cleared her throat and smiled.

Just like that it was gone.

"I have to go, Camila. I'll umm... Talk to you when I can."

And just like that, she was gone too. No goodbye kiss, not a hug, not even the word 'goodbye'.

She still had me worried. If you had looked at her body she seemed fine and collected but I know her. I know there's something wrong, I could see it in her eyes.

Why was she acting so distant all of the sudden? I guessed it had something to do with the message Chris sent her but I keep wracking my brain as to what exactly might have made her react like that.

Not coming up with anything and given that I was still standing outside of my house looking like an idiot, I decided to head inside. After almost getting tackled by a ball of gray fluff, I went up to my room with him following behind me.

She'll call me if she needs me. I'll just give her some space. Yeah...

My mom and my sister weren't gonna get home until a couple of hours so I just laid down in my bed to sleep the day off with Loki's head laying on my stomach.

Is There Something? ➳ (Camren) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now