(Part 6)

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The next morning I was awoken by the sunlight streaming through the bedroom window and something tickling my face that made me smile. When my eyes fluttered open and they adjusted to the light, I was greeted with a view I wanted to have every single morning for the rest of my life.

Lauren was laying on her side with one hand gently touching my jaw. She was gazing at me with the softest look in her eyes and a small smile grazing her perfectly plump lips. And when she opened her mouth to speak, the way her voice came out raspier, it sounded so incredibly alluring and sexy, I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

"Good morning gorgeous."

I had no doubt that I was blushing pretty damn hard right now so I just scooted closer to her and hid my face into her neck. She smelt like coconut milk and I felt like I was on cloud nine. "Too early." I muttered into her neck and she started running a hand through my hair.

"To early for what?" I could almost hear the smile in her voice.

"For you to make me blush this much." She laughed softly and left a lingering kiss on top of my head. I pressed a small kiss on her collarbone before looking up at her and smiling. "Hi there"

She breathed out a "Hey" and looked me in the eyes. "You look beautiful in the morning."

I chuckled nervously and broke eye contact "No I don't, I bet I look like a wet koala right now."

"You do and the koala thing too, just more like a baby koala." She smirked "You were clinging on to me all night."

"Oh, I'm- I'm sorry about that." I looked down. "I didn't know"

She put her index finger and thumb on my chin and made me look up. "Don't be"

Right about then I noticed how close we were to each other, and felt slightly embarrassed so I cleared my throat and sat up. "And I have morning breath, so I'm gonna fix that and well go wake up the girls." I saw her pouting like a little kid and looking so adorable I wanted to stay with her all day in bed, but I knew that I couldn't. Mostly for my own sanity.

So I looked away and went into the bathroom to get ready for today.


At about ten thirty in the morning we were all up and ready to go. We got our stuff into both mine and Hailee's cars and after a half an hour drive singing at the top of our lungs on a Saturday morning with our windows down we arrived at the beach.

It was a perfectly hot, sunny day and there weren't that much people there which made it much better. So we set up our towels and umbrella with the cooler and the speakers and laid down to relax and tan for a little while. We had two rows, in the first were Zendaya, Normani, Ally and Lauren and in the second in front of Zendaya was Dinah, Hailee and Me.

After a little while of talking with them I grew tired of the conversation and pulled out a book I had brought with me. But when I laid face down with my elbows supporting me to start reading I noticed Lauren had changed position and was now facing me and she must have thought the same as me, because she had a copy of Love and Misadventure by Lana Leav in her hands.

I had on my sunglasses so thankfully she didn't notice me looking at her instead of reading my book. It was a little creepy, I know. But she looked so beautiful. She had gotten a little tan and had freckles coating her face that made her look adorable.

"You should take a picture it'll last longer." She spoke and I froze.

"Wh- what?"

She smiled and put down her book. "You've been on the same page since you got the book out, Camz... And you're drool kinda gave you away."

Is There Something? ➳ (Camren) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now