(Part 10)

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"What about aliens?"

"Yes, there's no way the universe is that big and we're the only assholes in a puny little planet ruining it."

"I think so too." I pursed my lips. "Although I don't believe the stories of the flying saucers and UFOs. Just like the big foot stories and all of that, I think those are just people looking for attention."

"You don't believe in any of them?"

"Well maybe the Yeti or mermaids and mythological creatures, given that they go way back. Other than that, nope."

We've been like this for about an hour. We woke up at about nine in the morning and half an hour later we were already on the road, though we did stop for breakfast at an iHop before we got on the highway.

"What about dragons?" I asked her.

"That's a definite yes. Even if it's more like wishful thinking, if they are or were real and someone found actual proof I would flip my shit to be honest."

I laughed at her exited expression and turned back to the road. "That explains the obsession with 'Game of Thrones' and the one with 'Dragon Tales' your mom told me about."

"Please tell me you watched that show when you were little or I will personally stop this car and throw you out the window leaving you in the middle of the road."

Once more I cracked up, she looked so dead serious but you could see the amusement in her eyes. 'Yes! I liked it. A lot! So stop with the menacing glare." I chuckled and took one hand off the wheel, quickly looking at her for a brief moment while I pointed it at her face.

She looked at it curiously for a second and went to bite it but I pulled it back a second before she actually could and glared at her. "You are literally like a dog."

"Don't mess with my dragons." She shrugged and put her sunglasses back on. "Now, how much time till we get there?"

"I don't know you tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"How much time we got. Geez, you got the attention span of a goldfish."

"I'm just gonna ignore that rude ass comment and ask this, do you have any idea where you're going?"

"No, I've been waiting for you to tell me when to turn or whatever, why?"

From the corner of my eye I saw her drop her head in her hands. "Camila stop the car."

I reluctantly stopped the car in a rest spot a couple of moments later and looked at her with and eyebrow raised. "You didn't set up the GPS in your phone did you?"

She looked at me with a sheepish smile and talked in a small voice "I thought you were gonna do it..?"

"Awesome work copilot." She glared at me and I took my phone from the door pocket and handed it to her. "Look for the address and see how far we actually are."

"Put on the password, I always forget it."

"Is it so hard to learn four numbers?" I said while quickly typing it.

"One more stupid ass comeback and I will throw you out the window, but this time into oncoming traffic." She smiled sweetly at me. "Got it?"

I brought my hands up in defeat and looked out the window while she worked away.

"Okay..." I looked at her. She sighed and leaned her head back on the seat and turned towards me "Luckily we got set backed for about only thirty minutes. So we got another hour and fifteen minutes left to drive."

Is There Something? ➳ (Camren) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now