(Part 11)

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"Karla! Don't run off like that again!" Alejandro Cabello reprimanded his eight year old daughter as he picked her up from where she was standing looking excitedly over the rails at the rollercoaster with her best friend at her side.

"But daddy look at the roller coaster!"

A taller and slightly more muscular man with bright eyes puts his hand on the other's shoulder and smiles. "Calm down, Ale! She was with Ashton, you know he takes care of her better than he takes care of himself." He chuckles. He looks over at the small boy and smirks. "Ain't that right son?"

"Damn right." He gives them a toothy grin that makes them both laugh lightly.

"Fine." The Cuban man looks over at his daughter with a stern look that turns to endearing soft eyes in a matter of seconds when he sees her big brown eyes looking up at him. "Just tell me before you guys go off like that, don't get me and John worried okay?"

"Yeah okay, just put me down."

"Give me a kiss first."

"Daaaaad." the small brunette whined making Alejandro chuckle.

"What's it gonna cost me?"

Camila looked over at the curly haired boy with a mischievous glint in her eyes. When he slightly nodded over at the ice cream stand by the line of a small food shack she smiled and gave him a wink, turning back to her father.

"This is blackmail you know?" She told her father who was watching the exchange between the two children holding back an eye roll, because of course they want freaking ice cream, before kissing his cheek. Him letting her go.

Both men laughed at the smaller girl's words.

"Hey old man, bet you five buck I can get there faster than you."

Alejandro raised an eyebrow. "Who you calling old man? You're older than me!" He laughed.

He shrugged and started walking backwards slowly "By what, two months?" He smirked and gazed at the two kids. "Move children we don't have all day!" John teased the kids before running off towards the ice cream stand, starting a race between the four of them.

From races to giggles and laughter. From screams of excitement and fear from the attraction to full stomachs and happy faces. And big eyes and open mouths staring at the floats and fireworks on top of the older men's shoulders. This was definitely one of the best days the two best friends had permanently imprinted into their memories.

And it was definitely the best idea the two old high school buddies had come up with. Spending the day out at Magic Kingdom with their children, having given their wives a spa day. No one was complaining. Everything was alright and everyone was happy.


[Camila's POV]

That weekend has been on the back of my mind since I woke up, especially that day. It was a bittersweet memory. Constantly reminding me of what I had. No matter how much I tried it would not leave, so I just decided to hold on to the good parts. The parts that made me smile unconsciously.

As we were in the car on our way there I decided to send a simple text to the person who, along with two others, had been on my mind since this morning.

Me: I love you

I looked at my side when I felt a hand slip into my own that was resting on my lap. She gave me a small smile which I reciprocated and gripped her hand tighter.

Is There Something? ➳ (Camren) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now