(Part 3)

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Saturday morning was a mess. From an unexpected headache, to Dinah complaining every five minutes, to a rather loud knocking on the front door.

When I noticed that neither Dinah nor my little sister, who was watching TV while mom was recovering from a sleepless night out working, were going to get the door I groaned and padded over to the front door. To say I wasn't expecting a bear hug from an annoying nineteen year old boy with the brain of a five year old when I opened the door, was an understatement.

When he got off me I couldn't even form a coherent sentence. "Whaa... Why are... How even..?"

He just looked at me and smiled "Damn, I leave you for three months and you already forgot how to speak? DINAH JANE HANSEN! What have you been doing to this poor girl?!" That was my best friend since I was practically born. Our dads were best friends since high school so we practically grew up together. Every single memory of my childhood I have, he's there, and I wouldn't want it any other way. He's like a brother to me. Some people say we're different in oh so many ways and that they don't understand how a punk like him can be best friends with a sweet girl like me. But I say we have more in common that they may think. From the goofing around that takes one third of our friendship, to our music taste, to our similar opinions in almost every topic of conversation, to our unconditional love for each other. He's simply one of the best things that's ever happened to me.

I got out of my trance and noticed that we were still standing at the door, quickly closing it, I hugged him again. "Holy shit" I muttered into his chest and he chuckled.

I saw Dinah leaning against the entry to the living room looking at us with a smiled on her face and I pulled away "Ashton fucking Irwin."

I slapped his arm. "You asshole! Why didn't you tell me you were coming home sooner?" Did I mention he was traveling the whole country with his high school friends?

He ignored my annoyed tone, hugged Dinah and kept smiling while walking over to the kitchen. "So what? I couldn't surprise my second favorite girl in the whole world?" He looked back at me and winked.

"Wait, am I the first one?" Dinah teased.

"Oh, of course you are." He answered and propped himself on the counter, grabbed a banana and pointed one end towards me. "I see your obsession with these is still not disappearing anytime soon." Then he started peeling it and took a bite. "Where's the ball of fluff you call a dog?"

A squealing "ASHY?!" sounded through the house and a beaming Sofi appeared in the kitchen entry.

"That's not who I was talking about, I swear."

Dinah groaned. "Not so loud"

The smaller girl ignored her and started running towards him. Still sitting on the counter, he put the banana down and bent down, picked her up and set her on his lap. "There's my favorite girl in the world" he said smiling down at her. She put her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. I couldn't help but smile at the interaction. He started tickling her sides and her giggles resonated through the whole house.

"I'm leaving now." Said Dinah while rubbing her temple and running out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

"What's up with her?" I heard Ashton say after he stopped tickling my sister, she kissed his cheek and he put her down and after that she ran out of the kitchen and on to the living room to keep watching TV.

"Last night was quite interesting." I answered with a smirk, and sat down next to him on the counter.

At that I had all is attention and he crossed his legs and turned towards me. "I guess I came home at the right time then, didn't I?"

Is There Something? ➳ (Camren) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now