(Part 7)

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After having slept for only about three hours, it was about six in the morning when I woke up. Needless to say that last night was a mess. My thoughts had kept me up all night and when I woke up they were right there waiting for me with a devilish grin.

Knowing that the girls wouldn't be up for a couple of more hours, I decided to head downstairs and make some breakfast, considering yesterday's breakfast consisted on having to stop at a MacDonald's on the way to the beach and that half of them were gonna wake up with a slight hangover.

I sent a quick message to Ashton to see how he was holding up on taking care of my princess, then got out everything I needed to make a meal for the girls and for myself. I already knew my way around the house pretty well, considering I've been coming here a lot for the past few months which for the record did not help at all with my mood, so it was fairly easy finding where everything was.

After about an hour of preparing and cooking, the smell of coffee, pancakes, eggs, bacon and French toast filled the whole house and I was kind of proud of myself.

So while sitting at the counter, eating my own portion of the meal, I heard some steps coming down the stairs. I thought it was probably Zendaya or Ally since they're the only morning people I know.

But I was surprised when what I saw in front of me was a mess of jet black hair in a white t-shirt and boxers and she looks so beautiful in the morning, I can see her eyes shimmering because of the light seeping through the kitchen window and she just looks... mesmerizing. Wait what? NO. Chill bro. Now is not the time to drool. You're mad. You're pissed at her, you're hurt and disappointed... But she looks so fucking hot Jesus take the wheel.

Apparently she just noticed me and looked a little taken back by the, basically, buffet of food laid out in front of her.

"Did you make all this?" Her deliciously husky voice rang through my ears and I wanted to drown in my cup of coffee.

"Yeah. I've been up for a couple of hours." I looked shyly at her and noticed that she too looked like she hadn't slept at all, but I blamed it on the alcohol she drank last night.

"Thank you" She mumbled while grabbing a plate and serving herself some food before sitting down in one of the stools and I simply hummed in response.

And let the awkward silence begin.

It quickly became evident that there was some tension in the room and it was definitely uncomfortable, at least for me it was. The only thing you could hear was the clinking of plates and silverware and I was getting pretty annoyed that she sometimes would steal glances at me but quickly looked away when she saw me looking at her. At one specific moment I snapped and dropped the fork into my now almost empty plate and looked at her.

"Okay, I'm done with this. What the hell is-"


What I presumed to be the one and only Dinah Jane Hansen yelled through the house and I could hear almost every single person in the house waking up and scrambling to their feet to head towards the kitchen.

When I heard fast pace steps coming down the stairs I sent a quick glare towards Lauren silently telling her 'don't you dare think this is the end of this conversation' which she took by lowering her head.

Right after that Zendaya was the first to stop at the kitchen threshold and stare at the food and dreamily mumbling "Sweet baby Jesus, have I died and gone to heaven?"

Then Dinah, Normani and Ally hot on her trail, while Hailee barreled through them all quickly moving towards me, taking me by surprise, to kiss me in the cheek followed by "I fucking love you." before they all swiftly moved across the kitchen counter to get their food.

Is There Something? ➳ (Camren) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now