(Part 2)

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I could have sworn she was just about to kiss me. Why didn't she kiss me? Wait, what? I quickly wiped that thought off my mind. She's your friend Camila, maybe she just missed your cheek by accident. That happens right? Yeah. I got in my car without giving it a second thought and drove home.

When I got there I found myself in an empty house. Padding over to the kitchen I found a note from my mom on the counter.

"Mila, Sofi's staying at a friend's house so don't worry about driving her to school. I got a late night shift at the company and will be home tomorrow morning. Please eat something and lock up the house.

Love Mom x"

My mom's shifts at work always change so it's not news. Plus I like it when I have the house to myself, it's a nice. So I went to the front door and locked up. I went to the kitchen, got a water bottle and made a PB&J sandwich and after eating it I headed up to my room. After taking a quick shower I put on some sweats and an old worn out crop top and put my hair on a messy bun. Deciding to do some homework on the living room, I went downstairs. I connected my phone to the DVD player and put it on shuffle. Closer by Tegan and Sara started booming through the house. After a couple of hours of mindless attempts at dancing to whatever song came on, I got tired and headed to bed. A few moments before drifting off, beautiful green eyes invaded my mind.


A couple of days later, Friday rolled around and I found myself in a small diner close to the school for lunch, sitting across from Dinah, Ally and Normani, with Lauren by my side. After the incident, if you want to call it that, I think Lauren and I's relationship has taken a turn, but I'm not sure where exactly it's going. The teasing is getting... intense, if you will.

We were waiting for someone to come take our order when Normani spoke up. "So are any of you guys going to Matt's party tonight?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss that dude's party for anything. His house is huge." Ally answered.

"Yeah, plus his brother's in college and I'm hoping some of buddies will drop by." Dinah added with a smirk.

Right after that a rather tall guy with blue eyes and dark brown hair, who couldn't be older than nineteen, came over to our booth. "Hey ladies, my names Caleb and I'll be attending you today. I'm sorry but right now we have only three menus so four of you are gonna have to share." He said with an apologetic smile.

"That's fine, well share. Right Camz?" Lauren said looking over at me.

"Sure" I answered.

"Okay then, I'll be back in a minute when you guys are ready to order." And just like that he left to check on another booth.

Grabbing the menu in my hands, I saw Lauren scooting closer to me and putting a hand on my leg, all while looking at the menu in my hands. Thinking nothing of it I kept searching for something to eat.

"Hey Mila?" I heard Dinah say and I lifted my head up and rested my cheek in the palm of my hand. "What was that burger you got the last time we were here? I swear that thing was heaven sent or something."

"Oh! It's in the second pag-"

I nearly choked on air when I felt Lauren's hand moving up and making small circles on my thigh. I turned to look at her and saw her still looking at the menu and her hand stopped moving up, but the motion was still going.

"You okay there Waltz?" Dinah asked a small concerned look on her face.

I cleared my throat and continued trying to ignore Lauren's movements on my thigh. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Second page in the bottom. I think I'm getting that again today."

Is There Something? ➳ (Camren) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now