(Part 8)

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Once you've slept with the warmth of a body next to yours, that fits perfectly with yours and makes you feel secure and happy, you want to have that for the rest of your life. So when I woke up Monday morning missing that, I was a little disappointed.

I searched for my phone in Lauren nightstand and saw that it was 6:24 am and I groaned and buried myself into the bed even further. I heard a door open and I picked up my head.

"Look who finally decided to wake up." Lauren came out of the bathroom with a towel around her and a smile on her face. She was literally glistening with beads of water slowly making their way down her body. "How are you feeling today?"

"Pretty fucking gay." I muttered under my breath then looked at her face. She kinked and eyebrow "I Uh- I'm good." I cleared my throat and sat up. "Tired. Why are we awake so early again?"

She walked over to her dresser and pulled out some underwear and headed to her closet. "Cause you need to go to your house and pick up your school bag."

I laid back down on the bed with a groan "Why can't we stay here, I don't wanna go"

She chuckled "Because my parents will be here in about an hour and I don't feel like talking to them. Come on, stop moping around. One more week and we're home free for Spring Break okay?" She tossed me a towel and it landed on my face "Now get your sexy ass up and go take a shower."

After getting it off my face and glaring at her I received a smile and rolled my eyes, then went to go take a shower and get ready. Last night after our kiss, or kisses, (I still can't fucking believe that happened) we got out of the pool and ordered in some Chinese food and sat down in her living room to watch Netflix.

Two episodes of 'Friends' in and we found ourselves cuddled up to each other on the floor. We had put the couch cushions on it so we didn't end up with sore asses in the morning. I was leaning against the foot of the couch and she was sitting in between my legs with my arms around her. Most people think it should have been the other way around but I loved it and I think she did too.

She ended up falling asleep in my arms. It was cute and all and she looked freaking adorable but my body started cramping up so I woke her up and we went upstairs to her bedroom. And just like when we were watching TV downstairs I was the one holding her the whole night.

When I got home my mom was already out working so I decided to call Ashton so I could talk to Sofi before she had to go to school too. She was an exited little mess and I could tell that she had kept Ashton on his toes all weekend because he was a little moody when he answered the call. I made sure that she had everything she needed for today and let her know that I was picking her up today.

After that the day was massively boring and apparently all the teachers decided to fuck up their students' lives before the break and were giving projects and assignments around like they were candy.

The whole week was basically like this and all we talked about was how we were planning our revenge for senior prank week next year.

Friday lunch rolled around and we were all sitting in the benches, even Ally and Normani, because it was our last one together before break. Since we couldn't all fit in together I was sitting sideways in Lauren's lap, one of her hands around my waist and another one resting on my thing and me with one of my hands resting on the back of the bench and the other on my lap.

Things were kind of the same between both of us. But we were talking more and were more comfortable with each other. I could tell that the girls knew something was up but none of them said anything and I was grateful for that. I didn't know how Lauren would react if they said that they noticed some things and she thought that her parents were noticing too or that word would get around to them.

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