(Part 5)

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Okay you can do this. It's just the weekend. Plus the girls are gonna be there, it's not like you're gonna be alone with her. Why am I freaking myself out? Calm your tits. I knocked on the door of Lauren's house. It was Friday afternoon and I was a little late because Ashton got an extra hour at his shift at the book café so I had to wait for him.

But she's gonna be on a bathing suit for most of the time, practically naked. Holy shit. I can't handle this, I'm gonna make a fool out of myself. She'll see me staring. I know I stare. I mean who wouldn't? I'll just tell them I couldn't find someone to take care of Sofi. Yeah, that works. I started walking backwards to my car when I heard some shuffling and yelling behind the door that I couldn't quite make out and suddenly the door flew opened revealing a beaming Dinah who practically dragged me into the house. I dropped my bags at the foot of the stairs and followed her.

"Hoi! Cabello finally decided to show up!" She yelled into the house and some cheers were heard from outside and from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and stepped into the backyard.

"Finally" I heard Ally say. "We were waiting 'till you got here to get into the pool."

"Some of us against our own will." I heard Normani mutter and Ally smacked her on the arm.

I chuckled at the interaction. "Well don't let me stop your fun then, go ahead."

She smiled and came up to me giving me a kiss on the cheek "You know I love you right?"

"Sure Mani." She winked at me and said something in Dinah's ear. You could see the mischievous smile that came onto both their faces and then they move over to where Ally was standing.

"Hey short-stack!" Dinah yelled before picking her up and walking over to the edge of the pool. Ally yelped in surprise while we all stood there laughing as we knew what was about to happen.

"DINAH JANE HANSEN YOU BETTER NOT DROP ME INTO THE POOL OR I SWE-" Her threat got cut off by her yelling as Dinah threw her on the pool and we all cheered when she came back up and glared at Dinah.

The younger girl just shrugged and with a smirk said: "I didn't drop you." With a flip of the hair she walked into the house while Normani and Hailee got into the pool with the shorter girl.

After a moment of just watching them mess around in the pool I decided to head inside with the rest of the girls.

The second I stepped inside I heard someone calling out my name. "Mila!"

I walked over to the kitchen where the yelling came "What?"

I stopped before I could even enter the kitchen so I didn't bump into Zendaya who was running towards me. "Mila please connect your iPod to the speakers. I swear Hailee's phone is only full of 80's rock. Which I can tolerate okay? But not today."

"Sure, where is it?"

"I think it's in the living room, ask Lauren." She said and ran off to the pool outside dragging Dinah along with her.

I walked over to where my bag was and when I grabbed my iPod, I headed over to the living room. When I couldn't find the cable to connect it I called out to her. "Lo?"


"Come here a sec, I can't find the aux cord!"

"Voy ahora!" She yelled and a moment later came walking into the living room in her white and black bathing suit and some high-waist jean shorts and her hair cascading perfectly over her shoulders. Fuck my life.

"Hey Camz" She smiled at me and I smiled back. She looked beautiful, I had just seen her a couple hours ago but I swear she gets more gorgeous every time I see her. "Um you needed something?"

Is There Something? ➳ (Camren) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now