Chapter 12

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I worked at the studio until late one day, determined to finish as much as I possibly could while I was still in London. Of course, there were things I could always finish in LA, but other tasks were just easier when I had my own studio. Also, there were deadlines I had to keep to.

I walked back home, the cold air nipping at my skin. My hands were stuffed in my pockets, trying to keep them warm. It was getting darker and darker every day, the temperature dropping as the days got shorter. If there was one thing I missed from back home, it was how despite the sun going under earlier, the air was still pleasant. Here, it was cold and my nose would start running simply from breathing in the sharp air.

My bass was in its bag on my back, providing me with a little extra heat. It was a little heavy to carry for the whole distance, especially with my back already hurting from my bad posture as I worked and the baby growing inside me. But it didn't matter, I was going home anyway.

I was excited to get inside when I approached the building Hazel and I lived in. My breath clouded up in front of me as I eagerly unlocked the communal door. I fumbled around a little, struggling with my cold stiff fingers. At least it wasn't raining. There was nothing worse than having issues unlocking the door with water pouring down on you.

The staircase still felt chilly, so I went up the two flights of stairs as fast as I possibly could while trying to remain as normal as possible in case a neighbour came out. I was ready with my key when I finally got to our front door. I couldn't wait to warm up my feet that, despite the boots, were turning into ice cubes.

Once I stepped inside, I was met with a group of people in the living room, occupying the couch and chairs. Hazel was amongst them, holding a glass of wine in her hands. I had completely forgotten that she had invited some friends over for the evening. I didn't mind, but it still caught me off-guard.

"Jacie!" She greeted me excitedly, sounding a little more than tipsy already.

"Hey, hey," I smiled back as I kicked off my shoes next to the pile of other shoes.

Before I took my coat off, I went further into the apartment. I put the bass on the table to get it out of its bag. The glossy wood felt cold against my skin. I picked it up and walked towards the wall mount in the living room. Careful not to damage either the bass or the wall, I pushed it into its place.

"You know," one of the guys in the room was looking over at me, "they say girls who play bass are hot."

"Good thing I don't play then," I gave a forced smile as I lied, and went back to the front door to hang up my coat.

"Are you gonna join?" Hazel asked, leaning over the back of the couch so she could look at me past her friends.

"Sure... Just let me get a drink."

"Oh, we've got..." one of the girls in the group starting picking up the bottles as she listed things off, "white wine, red wine, vodka, rum, and... some Jäger."

I chuckled softly and shook my head as I made my way to the fridge. "I'm just gonna have some juice."

I got a glass from the kitchen cabinet and poured myself a simple glass of orange juice. Nobody other than Hazel knew about my pregnancy yet. Not even our parents. So I wasn't about to tell her friends who I didn't know. I was just going to politely decline. Peer pressure wasn't going to work on me anyway. Not now.

After taking a sip, I joined the group, getting a place on the floor next to a girl who had her hair bleached to a pale white. I'd seen her briefly before, and Hazel had introduced us that time, but I really couldn't remember her name anymore.

Echoing J.A.C.I.E. (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now