Chapter 25

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I got close to the mirror and swiped the dark red lipstick over my lips. It was the last touch I needed to do to my look before we had to leave. After cleaning up the edges, I closed the lipstick and threw it in my purse on the bathroom counter. The uber would be arriving soon, so I quickly jumped around to slip on my heels as I left the bathroom to join Jack in the living room.

He was sitting on the couch, waiting for me and looking through his phone. He was already ready to go himself, with his hair recently bleached and styled, and wearing some black dress pants and a black button up shirt.

"Alright, I'm ready," I announced as I walked the rest of the way to him.

He glanced up from his phone and gave me a small smile. Seeing that I was indeed fully dressed, he stuffed his phone in his pocket and got up. However, after he stood up straight, he looked down at me weirdly.

"You're, like, Alex's height right now," he commented, his eyes gazing up and down my body.

I raised an eyebrow at him in amusement. "That's the comparison you make?"

He shrugged and brushed his arm against my back as he started to move towards the front door.

"Just an observation," he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"I really am the second rank lover," I shook my head in disappointment, but chuckled.

We stepped out of the apartment and made our way downstairs. The Uber pulled up just as we reached the curb. Jack held the door open for me, and we settled into the back seat. It was already dark outside, the city lights twinkling as we made our way to Sarah's art degree show.

She'd switched her major a few times before landing on her art program, meaning she was the last in our group to graduate. To celebrate her achievement, she'd invited all her family and friends to come along and view the graduating class' work. It was quite the fancy event, hence Jack's outfit and my champagne slip dress.

The venue buzzed with energy as we entered. The walls were adorned with vibrant artworks, each telling a unique story. I spotted Sarah's display in a corner, a collection of stunning paintings that showcased her talent and dedication. I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for one of my bestest friends that I had the pleasure of seeing grow up throughout high school and the years after.

I guided Jack through the crowd, searching for the girl of the hour. Jack was taking in his surroundings, his eyes flickering between all the art. He was smiling, but it lacked its usual warmth. Like he was trying to keep up with everything around him.

When we finally found Sarah, her eyes lit up and she rushed over, engulfing me in a tight hug.

"Jacie! Jack! I'm so glad you made it!" she exclaimed, pulling back to look at me. "You look amazing!"

"Of course I made it!" I returned her hug. "I'm back home, so I wouldn't miss it."

She let go of me and gave Jack a hug too. "How are you guys doing?"

"Doing alright," Jack answered, managing another small smile. "Congrats, Sarah."

"I'm so excited!" She beamed, clapping her hands together.

Before the conversation could continue, she spotted a family member she hadn't greeted yet and skipped over to them instead. I looked around to see if I spotted anybody else I recognised, but it seemed like we were the first of our friend group to show up. There was such a wide variety of art around the large hall. While Sarah had focused on painting, others had made sculptures, did photography, or even created fashion.

"I see people with drinks," I pointed out, noting the wine and champagne glasses people were holding. "Where can we get drinks?"

Jack stood up tall and looked around as well. Once he found it, he nodded in the direction. "Bar's over there. Should I get us something?"

"Sure," I smiled, "white's fine."

He pressed a kiss to my temple before leaving me alone in the middle of the room. I let my eyes glance around all the art again and walked up to one of the pieces made by one of Sarah's classmates. It was a blue painting in an impressionist style. I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be, but it looked like a lake with autumn leaves floating on top.

"Jacie," a voice greeted next to me.

I looked to my side and saw it was Nash, who had just arrived.

"Hey!" I grinned back, enveloping him into a hug.

He hugged me back tightly and whispered, "how are you doing?"

"Good, yeah," I responded as we started pulling away.

His hands lingered on my back as he double checked, "yeah?"

I nodded, giving him a thankful smile. Other than Hazel, he was the only friend who knew about my pregnancy and miscarriage. Afterall, he was my manager, and I was his first client. He needed to know why I wanted to go back home, and then he needed to know I needed some time off. But I hadn't seen him since before Hazel and I left for London. It was nice of him to still be so concerned.

Nash's eyes held a mixture of care and concern. "You know, if you ever need to talk or anything, I'm here, right?"

I was always grateful for him. "Thanks, Nash."

Just then, Jack returned with our drinks, handing me a glass of white wine. Nash gave him a nod of acknowledgment, and Jack offered a tight smile in return.

"How's everything going, Jack?" Nash asked, giving Jack's arm a strong hit of encouragement.

Jack hesitated for a moment before responding, "you know, the usual."

Nash nodded at him and gave me a sympathetic smile. "I'm going to go find Sarah, see you guys later, alright?"

As Nash disappeared into the crowd, Jack and I took the time to explore the exhibition further. The atmosphere was alive with an artistic energy, but I couldn't shake the feeling that Jack was still holding back. He complimented the artwork we passed, but there was a distant look in his eyes, as if his thoughts were somewhere else.

He seemed to be drawn most to the abstract sculptures. I couldn't help but wonder what he saw in them that I didn't. I thought they were quite nice myself, but he had a deeper level of fascination. Unfortunately, he didn't share his thoughts.

After a while, we found ourselves near Sarah's display again. She was talking animatedly to a group of people, proudly explaining the inspiration and meanings behind her paintings. I was so glad she had finally found her element.

"I'll just go congratulate Sarah properly, okay?" I told Jack, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. "Are you okay here for a moment?"

He managed a small smile. "Yeah, go ahead. I'll be right here."

As I approached Sarah, I noticed that Nash had already joined the conversation as well. She spotted me and ushered me into the discussion, introducing me to some of her fellow graduating classmates.

Amid the lively chatter, I couldn't help but keep an eye on Jack. He remained on the outskirts of the group, aimlessly looking around some of the artworks. I had really hoped that coming out here, surrounded by creative people would have cheered him up. But the subtle withdrawal that concerned me was ever present.

I excused myself from the conversation to check in on him.

"Hey," I said softly, joining him. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing much," he looked down at his empty glass. "I think the wine's making me sleepy."

"Okay," I nodded in understanding. "Do you want to go home?"

He sighed and looked back at the group surrounding Sarah. "I don't want to take you away from this important moment."

"It's okay. I'm sure Sarah will understand."

He took a second to consider the options before nodding. "Then I'd like to go home."

"Let's just say goodbye and then we'll leave."

Echoing J.A.C.I.E. (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now