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The first person to show up at my door was announced with three slow rings. "Hey, Casey!" I smiled and looked down at the grocery bag she was holding. She wore a light-blue AC/DC tee with a heavy white coat wrapped around her Her hair was styled in a messy bun. "I brought some extra snacks," she grinned and trotted to my kitchen table. "Where are we having the party?"

"I was thinking in the living room, but I don't mind if you want to be anywhere else," I offered sheepishly. "Oh, sweet, okay. Am I the first one here?"

"Yeah, but don't worry about it, it's only, uhh," I checked the clock. "7:54."

"Alright, sorry I'm so early, I was just really excited," she giggled, pulling out various containers of pretzels, beef jerky, Hershey's Kisses, and Cool Whip. "These are so random, but they're all my favorite snacks. Pretzels and whipped cream are like fries and ice cream, and I'm going to force you to have them."

There was a sudden rap on the door and I rushed to, opening it to find Millie and Alyssa waiting. Alyssa was shivering and I couldn't tell if it was from nervousness, excitement, or the cold. She was wearing a light purple dress with a black fishnet top and leggings underneath. Millie was wearing a forest green tank top with a black jacket on top. She had black jeans, her hair curtained her heavily-pierced ears, and in her hair, with a pop of color, she wore a dark red rose.

She held a ginger kitten in her arms.

"Oh my gosh," I gushed. "Come in. All three of you look so cold."

Alyssa reluctantly wrapped me in a warm hug, with her cheek pressed into my chest. "Thank you for inviting me," she said.

Millie's cat trudged up onto her shoulder and tried to hide. "Me too, girl," Casey whispered to the kitten.

"Come on in, I have snacks!" I waved them through into the living room. "Tonight is supposed to feel like a middle school girls night. There will be a pillow fort by the end of the night."

Alyssa giggled. The four of us sat onto my sofa and Casey grabbed a pillow and squeezed it in her arms. Her nose dug into its seams. "I miss this feeling," she said blissfully.

I turned to a chick flick to put on in the background. It seemed like they were waiting for us to do something. Personally, I was waiting for Scarlett. It began to snow outside. Millie scooted over. "Casey, I, uh," she peered down at the striped bundle of love in her lap. "I like your shirt."

"Thanks, Millie!"

"Don't mention it."

"What's your favorite song?" I inquired. Casey thought for a moment. "Probably Shoot to Thrill. It never seems to get old for me."

"That's a good one," I spoke. "I used to be a huge AC/DC fan.

"Used to???" She teased and nudged me with her elbow. Alyssa watched our banter from her own chair. Millie broke into the bag of pretzels and poured it into her bowl.

"Oh, that's right, let me get the rest of the food!" I bolted to the kitchen and took out the food and drinks. I heard the rest of them talking in the other room. Millie spoke softly to her sister. "Lys, what's wrong?"

I paused. "I-" came a small voice. "I think there's... there's someone outside."

Casey gasped. "Liv?" she said shakily. "There's, like, a figure outside the window."

Hastily but carefully I crept into the area and advanced to the sliding door in the back. Slowly I unlocked it. "Hello?"

A hooded figure slowly came into light. I closed the door. I couldn't see his face.

Train Tracks // Nick Wilkins x OCWhere stories live. Discover now