Chapter Two: Stolitz: An Unexpected Twist

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6:00 pm

Goetia Mansion

Meanwhile at the Goetia Mansion, Stolas was cooking for his family. With Stella finally out of the way; he didn't have to care about her or his status, granted he was a Goetia, he wasn't big on keeping up with his reputation. He was cooking lamb meat as well as a few other things that were in the pan. Octavia, his daughter, walked in and sat at the counter. The prince looked over his shoulder, using magic to keep cooking and not set anything on fire.

"Is everything alright, my owlette?" he asked, seeing her look of discomfort. The young avian looked at her dad and then at the doorway where Loona walked through, panting.

"Too many- damn- steps," she panted, leaning against the doorway of the kitchen. The two avians looked at her, confused. Well, Stolas was confused. He looked at his biological daughter and adopted daughter.

"Will either of you tell me what is going on, please?" he asked, raising a brow at the two girls. Loon held up a paw, answering a quick text from Millie.

"You know how Blitz had a mission today?" Via said to her father, glancing up at him with a subtle look to her sister.

"Yes? What happened?" The two sisters looked at each other. Via sighed, deciding to just get it done and over with.

"Dad got hurt... Worse than you did with Striker," she said, watching her dad. Stolas blinked before he opened a portal to the hospital, immediately going to his husband's room. He gasped softly, going to his bedside.

"Blitzy," he whispered and delicately touched his horns. Blitz opened his eyes a little bit and smiled at the owl, hissing in pain.

"Hey, birdbrain. I'm fine, just a little banged up," he chuckled softly, leaning into his husband's touch and smiled softly. Millie and Moxxie ran into the room, panting. Moxie rambled off an apology to his boss and sat down beside his wife and the two sisters. The two lovers basked in one another's warmth. Blitz moved over and let Stolas sit beside him, curling up into the prince's arms. Eventually the small family, including M&M, were fast asleep in the small hospital room.

8:00 am

By dawn when the sun of Hell's rays bled through the window, Blitz woke up and found himself in a more comfortable bed rather than what he was sleeping in last night. He sat up in bed, rubbing his head with his hands and hissed in pain when he felt his horns. Oh yeah. He forgot that happened. He slowly stood up and used the bedpost to lean against.

"Fuck," he mumbled, rubbing his head. He had a headache and he didn't know why. He looked at his tail... Well, that explained why it was hurting. He couldn't remember what happened other than they were interfered with during a mission and it hadn't ended well, at all. He groaned softly, using the wall as he walked to the ensuite connecting to the bedroom, washing his face with a cloth, well, as good as he could with one good hand. He touched his horns. Acid rain. Lovely. He splashed cold water on the burns before getting dressed, sliding his overcoat on and headed downstairs, only then to get embraced into a hug from his husband.

"Ow, ow. Ribs, babe," he squawked out to his owl lover. He took a deep breath when he was let go and used the counter as leverage to keep himself up right. Stolas frowned and picked him up bridal style, setting him on the counter, softly preening him and kissed his cheek.

"Are you alright, darling?" the prince asked gently, stroking his arm softly. Blitz shrugged, leaning into his touch and sighed softly.

"Yeah. Just banged up. I'm fine," he promised, looking at his daughters and gave a small smile, rolling his eyes and let the wolf and the young owl to hug him tightly, as well as his husband. He sighed softly, curling into the embrace, laying his head on Stolas' fluffy chest, wrapping his tail around the owl's, resting his head against his and leaned up for a small kiss when the teenagers pulled away from their parents. Loona and Via gave each other a look before they left the room, deciding to give the two a moment to themselves. Blitz leaned into Stolas, staring into his red eyes happily and adoringly. Stolas smiled, cupping the imp's face with a feathered hand.

"I'm sorry," Blitz mumbled, closing his eyes and let the owl preen him softly.

"What ever for, darling?"

"For screwing up."

"Blitz... Sweetheart, you did nothing wrong," the owl assured, rubbing his back softly and kissed his forehead gently, holding the imp close to his chest, allowing the smaller demon to feel small and wrap himself around his larger form. Blitz nodded and sighed heavily as he leaned into the owl's arms and melted into his touch. Stolas held him in his arms, picking him up from the counter and walked back upstairs with him to their bedroom, setting him on the sink's counter in their shared bathroom.

"Stols, I have to work..." Blitz mumbled, glancing up at his feathery husband, raising a brow when he noticed that the owl was turning the water taps on, starting a bath. The owl hooted, looking over his shoulder and smiled at his husband, pressing a small kiss to his forehead and stroked his arm gently. The imp knew that there wasn't any use in trying to argue with the avian prince. He sighed softly and wrapped his tail around his waist, glancing out the window that was in the large ensuite. He looked at his husband adoringly, and reminded himself that things were okay, he was okay. He could trust Stolas, Via... The rest of the ragtag family. He perked up when Via stuck her feathered hand in through the door, peaking into the room.

"Is everything alright, starfire?" Stolas looked over his shoulder, tone gentle and light as he asked his daughter.

"Erm..." She stepped into her parents bathroom and shut the door a little, her arms crossed over her chest with a small sigh.

"Mum's here... And she wants to talk to you," she said and looked anywhere except her parents' eyes. The imp and the avian prince looked at one another. The owl placed a charm on the water in the tub to keep it warm before he put on his cloak and walked with his daughter hurriedly to the mansion doors. Blitz followed closely behind his husband and daughters. Loona looked at her dad, worried and concerned written on her face.

"Blitzy," Stolas looked at his husband gently, kneeling to kiss him with a small smile. The imp swung his knife in his hands with the same menacing smile. Via looked worried.

"She wants me to go with her for the weekend... Dad, I don't want to anymore," she told him honestly and truthfully, sighing softly before opening the door when Stolas told her to. Stella glared at her ex.

"What the fuck, Stolas? We had an agreement! Octavia would be with me on the weekends and with you and the imp on the weekdays," she shouted. Stolas held his head high and looked past her shoulder, brows furrowed a little. He must be seeing things. He wasn't. There was something... Someone in the bushes. Ash, twin brother of Alastor, was keeping an eye on... His brother's ....prey while he rested since he'd just gotten done with his season. The younger demon glared at Stella, eyes red before disappearing into the void.

"And Via has her own opinion in this agreement, Stella. If she wishes not to go, she does not have to. I suggest you leave before Blitz-," he said, glaring at his ex wife. However, he was cut off by Stella screeching.

"That... Pathetic imp? Really?"

"Hey. You're talking to a guy who kills people for a living," the demon piped up, looking at his husband's ex, spinning his knife faster.

"You married him?! What did your father think that you married an imp? You and I both know well-."

"I don't care! I don't care about my status or my reputation, Stella! I married Blitz, yes and I did it out of love. The only reason we married was because we were forced to. I don't give a damn what my father thinks. He's already as neglectful as it is. I don't need you harping down on me and making it any worse. It's bad enough my own mother isn't here to see any of this... Any of what I have done to be this far in my own life. The only thankful thing about my father that I can think of is when I was younger; we went to Loo Loo Land... And there I met Blitz. From there on out; I knew he was the one and not just with a friendship. So, no Stella. I don't care what my father thinks," he said, eyes glowing red as he neared his demon form. Stella was taken back, having not expected that at all. She huffed, lost at words before leaving the mansion. Blitz looked at his husband and came to his side when the avian prince sank to his knees. Via closed the door, kneeling beside her dad before hugging him tightly. Blitz and Loona followed and hugged the owl. Blitz knew that feeling. He knew the pros and cons of having daddy issues. He burrowed his nose into the owl's feathers, wrapping his tail with Stolas', hugging him tightly as the owl silently cried into the arms of his loving and supporting family. 

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