Chapter Eighteen (RadioStatic) Al proposes to Vox?

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10:00 am
Hell- Pride Ring

The day started out the same, the sun rose and the demons ran amok through the streets. Sinners went to work, and sinners went home, and hell's horrific landscape finally woke up. Although today was a slightly different day, for the radio demon himself, he had big plans today, and his first stop was to see Rosie, the queen of Cannibal Town.

Across town, the head of all tech, sat Vox watching the many screens displayed across him. In hand was a cup of coffee in the mug that Velvette got him a while ago and was rather a favoured one of his. For once in what seemed like a while, he actually seemed happy about today? Why you might ask? Well, today was his and Alastor's two year anniversary since they rekindled their relationship and despite Al not remembering who he was or anything when they were alive, Vox still took it. He had his Al back and he was glad for it, even if it had been about fifty plus years in Hell not realising that the two enemies were once each other's soulmates at some point in their living life, and perhaps their afterlife as well.

He had an eye on that hotel that Al seemed to love so much, although Vox himself wasn't sure why, but what was important to Al was important to him. He looked a little harder at the screen and saw that Al was no longer there, and if Vox was right, and he always was, Al didn't have anything planned, no Overlords to take over and no one of sinners to obliterate, so what could that demon be up to?

Though before he could think any further of what his beloved deer was doing, he got a phone call with Velvette looking annoyed and irritated on the screen, so with a flick of his wrist, the phone call appeared on another screen beside him. He gave her a look before speaking.

"Vel, how are you this Hellish morning?" he asked, taking a sip from his mug, a smug smirk hidden behind the cup. He was a bit confused on why he could see flames of red and orange behind her, as well as the phone call in general. If he had to guess.... None other than Val caused whatever trouble in her studio.

"Oh cut the shit, Vox. Come take care of Valentino before I shred him to pieces," snarled the doll demon.

"I'd rather you did to be honest," Vox answered, setting his cup down on the desk and letting his hammerhead shark who was sitting at his feet. Vark whined softly and leaned into his hands. V mumbled something in German to him before looking back at Velvette with a heavy sigh.

"Alright alright. I'll deal with his ass," he sighed, hanging up after she said something about him taking care of the irritable moth anyway. "Oh great... Just another fucking day with Val... Hey, hey, hey, fuck my life," he muttered as he teleport to Velvette's section of the tower.

In about six seconds, he was standing in what appeared to be Valentino's newest temper tantrum. What caused it? He didn't know in the slightest (and he didn't want to know), but from the looks of things it had to be something major. Couch cushions were thrown left and right, the insides thrown even further. Mannequins were tossed without care, limbs tossed about, and in the centre of this little hurricane stood none other than the moth himself. Smoke poured from his mouth and sifted around his feet, his signature coat moving with each turn.

"Val! You insufferable partner, what's got you riled up?!" Vox exclaimed, trying not to trip over any loose limbs and such as well as not lose his shit with the moth.

"You will never believe what he did to me?!" Valentino sneered at him, blowing a puff of red smoke towards his direction.

"Who did what now?" Vox asked, a slight annoyance tone to his voice. If anything, Angel finally managed to get away and he didn't know that, at least for now he didn't know that. He wouldn't be surprised if Husker was able to gamble with his beloved's soul, even if he was able to get it out of Val's grasp, it was risky but he probably knew it was damn well worth it. Velvette was having too much fun listening to the annoying moth rant about this.

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