Chapter Six: RadioDust: Human au: Anthony and Alastor

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8:14 am
Radio Station- January 14

"Good morning, New Orleans. We're back for this morning's radio broadcast. Ah. Hello, Rosie. Charmed as always to hear you joining us today," Alastor spoke into his microphone. Alastor Hartfelt, age twenty two, was New Orleans most popular radio broadcaster. Granted the man was asexual, a cannibal, and a hunter, he had a mother who loved him and a loving boyfriend who had just moved down to Lousianna after getting kicked out of his family's business for "bein' a faggot". The don's words not his or Anthony's. After Alastor finished with his broadcast, he answered the ringing phone beside him. Smiling, he answered.

"Alastor speaking."

"Heya, Al!"

"Ah! Mon cher, pleasure hearing your voice this lovely morning. Is everything alright?"

"Erm. Kinda? I'm sorta ina situation..." Alastor scowled a little bit and rubbed his eyes from under his glasses.

"What did you do this time?"

"I didn' do shit! My brotha got 'imself sorta in a problem... I'm at the station. Can ya come get me, please?"



"Alright. Alright. I'll be there shortly. Stay safe. I love you, mon amour."

"Love ya too, Smiles!"

Alastor groaned as he set the phone on the rotary before he put his waistcoat on, asking Rosie to cover for him before he grabbed his knife, slipping it into his coat pocket and headed out. He always had some sort of weapon on him for various occasions. Whether or not it was intended, he still had a sharp tool on him. It didn't take him long to walk down to the train station and smile more when he saw Anthony and who he assumed was his brother.

"Al!" He caught the blonde in his arms and spun him around, kissing him gently.

"Hello, Anthony, dear. I am assuming this is your brother, no?"

"Yeah. Sal, this is my man, Alastor. Al, meet my brotha Salvatore." The taller man gave a curt nod to Anthony's brother and mustered a tight smile.

"Dis the guy you're datin', To- Ack!!! Molls! Arthur!" Sal beamed when he was knocked to the ground by his boyfriend and his younger sister, Molly who was Anthony's twin sister. Alastor cursed in French, checking the time by looking at his pocket watch. Sighing quietly, he rocked impatiently on his heels.

"You alright, Al?" Anthony asked his boyfriend, locking their hands together. The brunette hummed in reply, nodding.

"I'm quite alright, my dear. Hello, Molly. Pleasure to see you again," he smiled at his lover's twin sister, arms crossed behind his back. The blonde shared a look with his sister and his brother before shrugging. The siblings talked as Alastor led them towards his and Anthony's apartment. It wasn't a long walk as they lived fairly close by but it was also close by the radio station as well. He tipped his hat off to the local baker. Alastor was sort of.... Feared in these parts of Louisiana, partially because he was nicknamed the Radio Demon when in reality he was only running a simple radio show with Rosie and from time to time Anthony joined them granted the blonde had his own radio show about his opinions on the clothing options and models that was happening in the current time period. As they walked, Alastor got lost in thought, allowing Anthony to keep his arm around his waist and stay close to his side. He thought about when they first met and how they were here now. He smiled to himself, wrapping an arm around Anthony's waist himself, keeping the blonde close to his side. He remembered when they first met, which was two years ago. In three days it would mark three years that they'd have been together.

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