Chapter Eleven: HH&HB :Pre-Extermination Day

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12:00 am
Hazbin Hotel

Twelve hours. They had twelve hours before the Extermination. Everyone was on edge. Angel was pacing around the hotel, hands wringing together. He didn't want to go to the studio. Valentino knew that they had twelve hours before the Exorcist army came down to kill them. There was no way he was going to work today. Fuck Valentino. Angel ran his hands through his hair and panicked. If he didn't go now, there would be Hell to pay granted he was already in Hell and working with- no, working for Valentino was a fucking nightmare. He hated it. He wished he never signed that contract seventy years ago. He groaned as he sat at the bar, complaining to Husk about everything that Val was going to make him do if he didn't show up in twenty minutes. Alastor came down the stairs and quirked a brow, mumbling to his shadow to keep an eye on Anthony to keep him out of trouble.

"Anthony, dear, are you alright?" Angel looked behind his shoulder and smiled a little bit at his lover, standing up and kissed his cheek.

"Yeah... I'm fine. Just gotta work ta'night. I'll be back before the Extermination," he promised, smiling a tiny bit before he headed out for the city. Alastor's shadow followed behind the spider, making sure to report back to Alastor as much as needed. When Angel walked into the studio, he was immediately met with an annoyed Valentino. Fucking hell, he was in so much shit.

"Val..." he greeted with a fake smile, trying not to get on his nasty side. The moth just growled before handing him the script, telling him to memorise the lines in an hour. If he fucked up, he'd be shooting the whole night. The spider nodded, taking the papers and hurried to his dressing room, getting changed into something that fit the scene he was given. He sat at his vanity with a heavy sigh, running his hands through his hair as he looked over it. Pacing in his room, he didn't hear the familiar and dreaded clicking of heels. He jumped when he felt a tug on those bright pink chains.

"What do you want, Val?" he mumbled, fed up with his bullshit.

"You know what I want, baby," he purred, tone seductive as he forced Angel to kiss him. The spider fought back, shoving him back by pushing on his chest. He had so much anger building up and was sick and tired of his bullshit. Valentino rubbed where he was shoved and growled, eyes narrowed at Angel.

"You ungrateful piece of shit," he hissed and tugged him by the chains. Angel growled back, eyes narrowed back at Valentino. He tried to pull away from the restraining hot pink chains that were on all four of his wrists. He couldn't pull away. Bound with magic and by his contract. Valentino blew the red smoke into Angel's face, causing him to inhale it and become dizzy. He didn't know what happened next other than it went dark and he was forcibly being kissed by the moth. He couldn't tell what was happening other than the fact that he was slapped across the face, hissing in pain. His legs hit the floor and he cried in pain when Valentino forced himself onto him. Fuck. He felt the moth's sharp teeth into his neck. Blood kink. Fucking shit. He cried in pain, feeling his arms being held behind his back and it was not comfortable at all. He almost didn't hear a word Valentino said and he didn't want to hear whatever the fuck he was saying. He had enough of his bullshit. He gained as much strength as he could and broke free from Valentino's arms, growling as his full demon form started to come out to play. All eight eyes were open, as well as his third set of arms were out. He ripped the blindfold off, eyes narrowing at his contract holder. Valentino just chuckled, tugging on the chains again.

"Did you forget who you belong to, Anthony?" His name on the moth's tongue felt wrong and just something he didn't want to hear ever again. Angel growled and hissed, all eight eyes glowing.

"No," he snarled and pulled away from the chains, trying to at least but soon enough he felt his head hit the wall, definitely leaving a wound. Glass shattered and pierced his skin, warm blood trickled down and he could feel it getting matted into his fur. He looked over Valentino's shoulder, seeing Alastor's shadow, giving it a pleading look before he was pulled into Valentino's arms forcibly by the chains, being chained against him as he did what he pleased. Angel groaned, hissing in pain as he was blindfolded again. Alastor's shadow nodded and disappeared to its master, relaying what it saw.

"Anthony needs you. It's not looking good," it told him, knowing he was worried about his lover. Alastor nodded, telling it to keep an eye on him for the time being. They had eight hours until Extermination Day. If Anthony wasn't home in three hours... Valentino would be seeing red and it was not going to be pretty. The twins were talking amongst themselves as Ash sat beside his brother at the bar, greeting Husker and asked for a drink.

"I never thought you'd be the one to drink," Alastor hummed, spinning his glass. Ash nodded, throwing back the shot.

"Just... Shit happened," he answered, looking anywhere but his sibling. Alastor quirked a brow, interested to know what was going on. He looked at the hotel doors when Charlie opened it to reveal two spider sinners, and Sir Pentious.

"Molly, pleasure to see you again," Alastor spoke, smiling at his lover's twin sister. Molly's eyes went wide, growling before throwing her knife at him.

"Aye!! What the fuck, Molls?!" Alessia said, catching the dagger before it hit anyone, stowing it away in her coat pocket. The spider looked over and saw Alessia and Alessio.

"Tony said nuthin' gonna happen to him with ya. He was lyin'. What d'ya do to him?" Molly demanded from the Radio Demon. Alessia intervened to prevent any unneeded harm or injuries to anyone.

"Al didn't do anything." Her Louisiana accent heavy on her tongue as she spoke.

"... I'm the one who found Al dead in the woods that night. Anthony killed me out of rage and in an irrational action. He went back to New York after he realised what he did... He died of a drug overdose. Angel Dust, he named himself after the drug Angel Dust. Al didn't hurt him, he couldn't ever hurt him," she explained, handing Molly her knife back before hugging her. She smiled a little bit when the spider hugged her back just as tightly. Pentious and Arackniss were sitting on the couch together, watching the family drama unravel itself. Alessia sighed softly when she pulled away from the hug, smiling softly when Molly apologised for accusing Alastor, and the radio demon forgave her.

"Speaking of, where da hell is Tone at?" Arackniss asked from where he was snuggled between Pentious' arms. Alastor's eyes narrowed as he listened to his shadow and nodded. Molly looked at her phone when she got a text from Cherri Bomb.

"Cherri ain't gettin' no responses from Anthony," she told the Radio Demon who snarled through gritted smiling teeth. Charlie smiled between the tension.

"I'm sure he's okay... Maybe give it another hour?" she suggested, also saying that they should get some sleep as it was almost five in the morning. Everyone agreed to Charlie's suggestion. The twins gave Al and Molly a hug before they headed up to their bedrooms. Arackniss and Pentious' room after a few moments. Soon, everyone but Alastor and Ash were the only two awake.

"So.. What's happening?"

"Nothing," Alastor said, watching the door intently. He glanced at his pocket watch. Forty minutes. If his beloved wasn't back in forty minutes, he'd do something about it. He looked at his shadow, smile faltering. His gaze met Ash's.

"Can we kill someone?" he asked eagerly, grinning ear to ear. Alastor growled before asking his brother to follow him. The two deer sinners slipped into the dark morning of Hell and towards the studio. Alastor was pissed to say the very least. He growled as he walked in, his brother right at his heels. His shadow led the way and when Alastor opened the door to Angel's dressing room, the poor spider was curled up in a panicked state, crying into his hands. The spider sinner was covered in blood and other bodily fluids. The sinner growled as he went to approach him but held himself and his brother back. He pointed towards the ceiling, having noticed the moth. He snapped his fingers and tentacles grabbed Valentino from the ceiling, giving Ash an opportunity to get to Angel, assuring him that he was okay, helping him walk out, putting his robe on before he led him outside of the studio. He held him upright before the spider collapsed in his arms. Ash knew he had to wait for Alastor, so he did. He kept Angel in his arms in the hallway. Alastor growled, demon form on full display as he threatened Valentino. The moth didn't have much of a reaction before he summoned the contract that Angel signed. Alastor lost it. He was angry. He growled and used his magic to grab the contract and give a final warning before he regained composure and walked into the hallway where his beloved was sitting in Ash's arms, and the two were sitting in the hallway. Ash looked at Alastor, a look that said "later." The two brothers helped Angel back to the hotel to hopefully heal a little more before the Extermination happened.


Four hours. Four hours until that bell would ring. Anthony was healing but that was part of because Alastor used his magic to help him heal faster. Currently, Alastor was sitting beside Angel in bed, keeping him accompanied. The Radio demon noticed that his lover's eyes were opening and he smiled a little, squeezing his hand softly.

"Are you feeling alright, my dear?" he asked softly, wanting to make sure that his angel wasn't in anymore pain than he already was. Angel looked at Alastor and smiled softly.

"Heya, Smiles," he croaked, voice sounding hoarse, probably since Valentino had a death grip on him earlier. Alastor's usual smile returned and he kissed the top of Angel's head, telling him to rest for a while longer until the bells went off, signalling the arrival of the Exorcist Army. 

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