Back At Square 1.

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This new recruit was a damn spy. I knew something was off. "This fucking guy!" Phoenix yelled as she punched the spy taking the gun out of his hand throwing it out of the window. But that didn't seem to help." The spy lead us right back to the 141 base! They just went in a circle!!" Aries yelled.

Since Aries was in the seat right behind the spy he quickly put his arms around the spies neck and begun to strangle him. "Aries be careful we could crash." I said raising my voice . Aries didn't seem to hear me, the car was swerving around. I pulled Jaxx into the back seat so he wouldn't get hurt by any damaged caused by the crash that was about to happen. Aries didn't stop strangling the spy as the car crashed into a tree near the team 141's base.. everything went blurry, Then faded black.

I woke up on the grass. My eyes slowly opened to see Phoenix and Jaxx. "You alright Ace?" Phoenix asked. I nodded and she lent me her hand to get up. I looked around for Aries as I saw him dragging the spy out of the vehicle. Aries placed him onto the grass where I was before. "He looks familiar.." I say with a tired tone. I pull out my files to see "Soap's" file.. no not him. I pull out another file I had grabbed before I left. "Gaz" it said on the cover. I opened the file to see a picture of the spy. "So this is gaz." I say. I call my other team members and showed them all the files I had gotten. "Hm.. gaz, I remember captain blade mentioning a Gaz." Jaxx said, Aries and Phoenix nodded.

Aries had a sudden look on his face like he had remembered something. "Phoenix! Didn't Captain tell us to put any evidence in a certain area in the forest if we had gotten in a bad situation?" Aries asked Phoenix. She nods. "I remember where that spot is" she saids. I hand her the files. "Here." I say, "we'll stay here till you come back." I add. Phoenix and Aries nodded, "Be careful here. Your really close to the enemies base." She said with a serious and stern tone as both Aries and Phoenix start to head off.

Before they could fully head out, I call to Phoenix, "Hey Phoenix." I say, Phoenix looks back at me. "Yes ace?" She responds. "Heads up." I say as I give her a flare gun. "Shoot this to let us know if you're in trouble." I say. Phoenix gave me puppy eyes, "awhhh you care about me!!!" She exclaims. I look at her with a straight face but give her a thumbs up. She smiles and walks off with Aries.

Me and Jaxx look at eachother as we both turn to the knocked out Gaz . Just incase I had to check if he was really knocked out, I got closer to him and poked his arm,his eyes didn't twitch nor did his body move, he was still breathing though.. Although he didn't show any signs of being awake I still told Jaxx to keep an eye on him as I kept a look out. Since the front of the car was damaged greatly, only the trunk and back seats of the car weren't damaged. I opened the trunk by my sliding my knife into the small crevices on the trunk door and pryed it open.

There I found a SMG , AR and a shotgun. I handed jaxx the Shotgun and I got the ar and SMG, I'd hand the SMG to Phoenix when Her and Aries got back. I placed it back in the truck with the trunk door open as I got inside of the trunk and sat on the ledge of the trunk.

As we both wait, Jaxx looks as me. "How was it in the Enemies base?" He asked. I turn to him. "It was okay. Didn't spark my interest."I reply. "Nothing does Ace. " he replies chucking. "You don't even feel emotions." He added laughing. I didn't get how that was so funny but I brushed it off. "Mhm." I reply, "But anyways really, did you see that Ghost guy? What was he like?" He asked. I looked up at the sky, the sun was setting. "Hm.. the rumors were true he had a skull mask. But it isn't a full skull, it's only the top with eyes and the nose part. He's tall.. 6'2.. maybe? " I say. "Damn! That's 4 inches taller then me! " Jaxx saids with a surprised look on his face. "I wonder if the skull is real.." he adds as he puts his hand over his chin.

"Probably is." I say. "He's killed a lot of people from the looks of it. " I add, Jaxx nods, "Probably, Would've been nice to have him on our side." He saids as he crosses his arms as both of us look at the sky. "You can't see the sun cause of how tall the tree's are." Jaxx saids as his voice turns calm. "Mhm." I reply, "At least you can see the sky." He saids. The sky is mixed with colors of purple,pink,orange and red. "Don't get too distracted by the sky, keep your guard up. " I say. "We're still on enemy lines." I add. Jaxx sighs, "I guess you're right." He saids I wonder how things would've been if you weren't always so emotionless, and if you'd shown us your full face." He adds. I had a black kitsune mask that only covered my eyes and half of my nose, if I hadn't mentioned that earlier. I looked at him for a few seconds then looked back up at the sky again.

Jaxx got the hint that I obviously didn't want to talk about that stuff so he changed the subject."I wonder when Phoenix and Aries are coming back, that spot where they need to put the evidence shouldn't be that far." He said. "They'll be fine.. I gave Phoenix the flare gun remember?" I say. "Yeah, Your right.." He responds. After 10.. maybe 15 minutes we heard a loud pop noise.. almost like a firework, since I was looking at the sky I tried finding anything that looked like a flare gun.

I see purple smokes coming from another direction.. It was the flare gun I'd given Aries and Phoenix... I immediately got off the trunk, grabbed my gun and started running in the direction the flare was coming from. "We can't just leave this spy here!!" Jaxx yells. "It doesn't matter. We have to go get them Jaxx, they're both in trouble." I replied raising my voice in a demanding way. Jaxx sighs and runs after me. As we run towards the direction of the flare gun, gunshots are fired from behind us. Me and Jaxx both look behind us to see Ghost and three other soldiers. "fuck! " jaxx yells. They were surrounding us. As Jaxx turns to run away he gets knocked out by someone who snuck up on him. "..I'm in this alone." I thought, I was able to shoot two of them down. But there was still ghost and two others left.

As begin to run I feel a sudden pain in my lower leg, "'s my leg." I mumbled. I start limping as I run. I was able to run for a few minutes until I saw Phoenix and Aries.. But they weren't fighting.. They were both being dragged into cars as Phoenix begun yelling at me . "ACE HELP US!!" She screams. As I slowly start limping to them.. I hear someone slowly catch up to me. As I turn around, they hit my head everything turned black again.

A Careless Soul // ghost x readerWhere stories live. Discover now