A New Possible Home.

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"Do you still care about your team blackout 301?" Price asked.

I went silent. 'What did care even feel like?' I thought. I stood silent waiting for price to speak again. "If you don't have an answer. Think about it. Take as much time as you need." Price said. "Your dismissed Ace." Price said, he called me by my code name. I slowly got up as I walked out of his office. There, Soap , Gaz and Ghost were all waiting for me. "How'd it go Y/N?" Gaz asked. "Alright." I say quietly. "Alright well.. I have a surprise, on the behalf of me , Ghost and Price!" Gaz said with a smile.

Soap looked confused. "You'll be dorming with us in the quarters! " Gaz said. Soap looked confused. "Gaz she's still the enemy! She hasn't even joined our team yet should we really trust her?" Soap said. "I mean no offense Y/N, I respect you I just don't trust you enough." Soap said looking at me. "None taken." I say. "Well there is a catch to her staying with us. She'll be sharing a room with Ghost and Ghost will have to be by her side 24/7!" Gaz said. Ghost looked confused. "Wait you never told me that part." Ghost said. "Well that's because me and price knew you'd probably not like it or agree to it if we told you!" Gaz said.

Ghost face palmed as he looked at me. "You better keep your distance. Like soap said I respect you but I don't trust you." Ghost said with a glare. I nodded as I looked at Gaz. Gaz seemed to be the only one that trusts me so far. Gaz had a smile on his face while Soap and Ghost just glared at me. It was a harsh glare though so Gaz and me didn't put attention to it. "Why don't I give you a tour of the quarters and get some fresh air? I see way too much negative tension between you three." Gaz saids trying to break the awkwardness. I nodded as Gaz took my arm to the outside.

"Sorry about them, there not so found about things like this. Last time it ended not so well." Gaz said. "Last time..?" I asked. "Yeah, we'll talk about it in the way to your new room.." Gaz saids, as he begins to walk towards the hallway. As I begin to follow him his eyes darken. "There was this guy.. Carlos. He was from an enemy team.. probably an enemy team of your team aswell. He was from Iron Atlas.." he said.. "He was with us for 2 and a half-years, after we began to trust him we were thinking about taking him in and making him one of our own... but.." Gaz stopped walking. "He betrayed us. He betrayed all of us." He continued to say as his fist clenched.

After a few minutes he finally calmed down. "I'm sorry. Just talking about it gets me worked up. They all still haven't recovered from it. " he said as he begun to walk again as I followed. "But yeah.. that's why they both don't trust you.. fully." He said. "Why do you trust me?" I asked. "Because I feel like I can give you a chance.. although you don't show emotion and have .. your own issues." He saids, as serious as he looks he soon broke and let out a small chuckle. "Sorry if that was offensive !" He saids with a worried smile. "None taken.." I say.

As we continue to walk down the hallways we soon get to the quarters and to my new room. "Alright here we are!" Gaz saids. While we both walk in, I see one side of the room already decorated. "Before you say anything. There is a catch to you staying with us.." Gaz saids. I turn around to look at him. " Remember how I said ghost will be with you 24/7?" He continues to say as ghost soon walked into the room. "Bloody fucking hell Gaz." Ghost saids face palming. "I-.." I stuttered. "Yeahh... you two will be sharing a room. This wasn't my decision it was prices." Gaz saids trying to unease the tension.

I stood quiet as I glanced at Gaz and ghost. "I'll leave you two alone.. just when your done price wants you both in his office.." Gaz saids.. He left us both in our room as I looked around staying silent. There was awkward silence.. last time I was alone with him.. we.. kissed..

Butterflies got into my stomach and my face became heated.. I hated this feeling.. as I was stuck in my thoughts ghost spoke. "Hey. You alright?" He asked as he walked up behind me. As I turn around to look at him I saw how close we were and immediately took a few steps back. I felt that ghost had the same thoughts since he looked a bit nervous aswell. He had it well hidden under his cold eyes and glare. "You done looking around Y/N?" He asked. I nodded as that feeling soon faded away. "Alright let's go see price then." He said with his deep and husky voice.

As we both walked down the hallways and walked through the training room, I felt his eyes on me every now and then.. I didn't look at him because I honestly can't hold eye contact with him. It was weird how I couldn't but I just continued to look at the floor as we both walked to price's office. As we finally open door to his office. "Hello you two... As I'm sure you now know both now you two are roommates, Now I expect you two to get along. Now.. as for Ghost being with you
24/7 Y/N.." he continued to say. "It's basically like a bodyguard but he doesn't need to guard you.. He just needs to watch your every move." He saids "I hope you are okay with this new rule. This will only apply until you give me an answer for my offer. So it should only last for a month or two. If your little team doesn't suddenly come and get you." He said.

"Now for you Ghost. I expect you to be on your best behavior with her. No fighting or bantering, she's gonna stay with us for a while and that's that. Is that clear ghost?" He saids. "Yes sir." Ghost replied with a husky and deep voice. "Alright." Price saids. Price turns his head to me as he begins to speak. "Now as for you Y/N I hope you enjoy your stay with Ghost. Your both dismissed." Price said.

As me and ghost both walk out silently we both go into the hallways as ghost suddenly pins me to the wall glaring at me with his piercing blue eyes. "Now here's the rules about this whole being with you 24/7 thing." He said with a deep and husky voice .

A Careless Soul // ghost x readerWhere stories live. Discover now