(Modern AU) Money Can't Buy Love - Reiner x Reader

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*I promised two updates this weekend! Here's a Reiner x Reader bc the buff blonde needs love <3

For those who didn't know, I live in the middle of the Pacific ocean, so that means that updates would be later in the day for those who are farther away from the International Date line (to shorten it out - people in North America and beyond will have later updates). My time is different here, so while it's still daytime here, it may be sundown or nighttime wherever you are. I'll be more time-balanced when updating!

"I'll buy you a GoPro camera if you go out with me."

The blonde asked as you shut your locker door closed, seeing that he was smirking as he rested his side against the other lockers beside yours. Sighing, you managed to rest a hand on your hip while holding your books for class.

"For the last time, Reiner - I'm not going to accept your gifts in return for a date!" you scolded, rolling your eyes as you walked passed him. He trailed after you, pouting mockingly to attract your undivided attention back to him.

"Please?" he asked, knitting his eyebrows in fake sadness. You sighed as you entered your next class, with him taking his seat about 2 chairs behind yours.

"No! If you want to date me, then you have to come up with another way to do so! I'm not gonna let you buy your way into getting my first kiss with you."

"Ah, so that means that you're at least interested in me?" Reiner implied sadistically, leaning over his desk. Your eyes widened for a split second before turning in your seat to meet his smirk, a red blush across your features in embarrassment.

"N-no! Go die!" you scolded before turning back around, folding your arms across your chest. All you could here was his mock laugh before the bell rang, signaling the start of class. Students began to pile in as you took out your necessary materials, your mind clear of Reiner and his flirtatious antics.

You couldn't hear due to the fact of student piling in, but the muscular blonde muttered a few words to himself, smirking while staring at to be bak of your head before someone took the seat that distanced you from him.

"You're in for a bumpy ride, (y/n)..."


The bell rang for lunch, causing you to begin packing your stuff after witnessing your Biology teacher fail yet another dissection attempt on a squirrel.

Poor squirrel. All he wanted was nuts.

You laughed at your own thought, as you walked out of the class while sheepishly smiling to yourself.

Heh, deez nuts.

You giggled to yourself again, shaking your head as you headed for your locker before putting in the combination, opening the door and placing your bag and books inside. Sighing somewhat happily, you closed the door and turned on your heel to head for the cafeteria, but you were immediately stopped as you were startled by the muscular chest of a blonde that was filthy rich.

"Holy fuck!" you yelped, jumping back towards your locker in surprise. You panted heavily as you, once again, saw his sadistic smirk across his face.

"Sorry to scare you." Reiner replied in his usual deep tone, before you and him began walking towards the cafeteria side by side.

"Whatever. What do you want now, anyways? Are you gonna bribe me into going to dinner with you as a Prada purse in return?" you asked lightly, glancing to your side to see him looking straight ahead, a smirk rising on his features again.

"No, but I could get you that~"

"I don't use Prada, idiot!" you slapped his shoulder as he laughed, before the two of you entered the cafeteria. You began to part ways with him as you both entered, but he caught your wrist before you walked away.

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