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I woke up today knowing it was gonna be a bad start to a week. How could I tell, you ask? Easy, it's not hard to figure out when you're tied to a chair in a completely empty room, but that's not counting the scary looking guy that's standing in front of you. I looked down at myself and noticed I was bleeding, bad, like really bad. I looked ahead of me at the guy wielding a blade and tried to speak out, nothing. Confused I tried again, nothing.

"Afraid to speak? Ha! That's never happened before! Ah, but I'm guessing your throat is parched. I'm guessing that I'll have to do something about it now, won't I?"

The man walked towards me and put the blade to my neck, he pressed the blade to my neck and I could feel it digging into my skin. I grimaced in pain, seconds later I heard a door fly open and looked over to see a woman come running my way, she looked enraged to see me with him.

"How could you! She's so young, look at her! I thought you knew better, drop her off somewhere so she can be treated. I don't want to tell you again."

The woman walked out and slammed the door, the man behind me cursed under his breath. I felt something plunge into my neck and I soon lost consciousness.

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