Chapter Eight

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I woke up to someone shaking me, it was Deeks, I looked up at him and smiled.

"Hey. So where's Sam? I thought he was staying here all night?"

"Sorry kiddo. It seems you're stuck with me."

He said as he flashed me one of his smiles. Then he looked down at his phone.

"Huh...that's strange..."

"Wait what's strange?"

"Apparently Hetty texts, and wants us over on Barkley and Main. Who knew Hetty texts?"

"She doesn't. You know her, she either likes to be up in your face in person, or in your mind on phone calls."

He nods and calls Eric.

"Hey Eric, got something for you to do...I need you to trace a text I got from someone claiming to be Hetty. Oh and keep this on the DL...DL means down low by the way."

I laughed and abruptly stopped, Deeks noticed and looked at me.

"What? What is it, Beth?"

"Oh, it's nothing don't worry about it, Deeks.''

Deeks looked at me with a bit of anger boiling up, I put my hands up in defense and started to back up. Once my back connected to the wall I thought of something, I told Deeks to stay put and to give me a moment. I ran into my room and grabbed a set of keys, my badge, and my gun. I tucked my gun into the back of my outfit and told Deeks I was going to go out to make sure my neighbor, Miss Nesbit was okay.

"Okay, fine. But we have to make it fast Beth."

"Yeah yeah. Whatever you say Aquaman. Listen I'm pretty sure she got an unexpected visitor last night. I just want to make sure everything is okay."

"How old is Miss Nesbit?"

"Too old for you. Plus she doesn't like Californian hippie surfers."

"Hey! That was uncalled for... I don't look like a hippie..."

I told Deeks to stay in my apartment until I told him it was all good. Miss Nesbit doesn't really like strangers, and she might be reluctant to say anything with Deeks there.

"Aww come on!!! Nobody can resist the Deeks!"

I laughed at him and as I left I looked over at him and smiled.

"I certainly have. It's not that hard really, I don't know why Kensi has such a hard time."

I opened the door and waved to Deeks as I started to close it.

"Also Eric knows DL means Down Low because if you noticed he uses the term all the time."

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