Chapter Nine

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I walked down the hallway for what seemed like hours, I reach her door and open it. I close the door so no one thinks she left it open. The once heavy silence that hung in the room is suddenly gone when It's Me by TryHardNinja starts playing. I look down at my phone, damn it.

"I'm busy at the moment can I help you?"

There's no response so I hang up and put my phone on vibrate, I continue to look and as I head into the room I hear a scuffling.


I whisper, and I freeze. Who is in here with me? I turn into my neighbor's bedroom and see her in a sleep-like state.

"Ms. Nesbit? It's time to wake up, you're going to be late."

I reach over and touch her, she's cold, too cold... I pull out my gun. I look in her closet and search the whole apartment. I have no trouble knowing where everything is because her apartment is the same as mine, three bedrooms, and two baths. I go back into Ms. Nesbit's room and look her over, her body seems normal until I check the back of her head, there's a giant hole and it looks as if her brain is missing. I reach into my front right pocket, get my phone out and then I dial Deeks' number, he picks up on the third ring.


"Deeks, call the others over here. We've got a problem."

"Okay Beth, will do."

We hang up and I continue to search the house, I hear footsteps approaching so I go into hiding, once concealed in the closet I text Deeks and ask if he's called yet and he tells me that they are on the way. Seeing as the footsteps have gone away I begin to search the house when I hear someone clearing their throat.

"Can I help you?"

I say with a tone of annoyance in my voice, I don't turn around and I continue to study the body of Ms. Nesbit.

"Yeah, how about you turn around?"

I turn around and see my brother, Dean, and a freakishly tall moose like man.

"Oh my God! Dean!"

I run into his arms and hug him with all my might, he pats my back and takes a look at me.

"My, how you have changed over the years."

I smile, and then I remember why I am here and where we are.

"What are you doing here?"

The freakish moose looking guy takes a step forward and reaches for something in his pocket, I look at Dean suspiciously.

"We're FBI ma'am, I see you have met my partner. Special agent Dean Winters, Do you mind explaining why-"

Dean cuts him off.

"Dude chill, she's family."

Wait, what'd he say? Family? With that thing?

"I think you're mistaken Dean, he can't be family. He's too tall and Moosey."

The tall man looked at me confused.


I nod at him.

"Yeah. Moosey, looks like a moose, walks like a moose, and smells like a moose."

He looks at me and then at Dean.

"Dean, what do you mean she's family?"

"She's blood-related, she's our sister."

I look at the moose and his face is priceless, I burst out laughing. He looks at me like I told a bad joke, which gets me to laugh more.

"I just want to know this, how long have you known about Dean?"

I smile at the moose and straighten up.

"Well my dear freaky mammal, I used to live with my three lovely brothers until, BAM! Mom is pregnant again, and there is no room in the house."

"Wait. Three brothers?"

"Yeah, three. Pay attention, Moose."

"It's Sam."

"Yeah already have one of those, Moose it is. Anyways, mom and dad sent the three of us to camp when we got back a different part of the family took us in."

"What did you mean by three brothers?"

"I had three brothers. Geez. Is he always this tough?"

Dean nodded, I smiled happily. It's good to know that Dean had someone to keep him as annoyed Callen and Spence have made me.

"So what are you guys doing here? Callen and Spencer, don't really like the fact that you two are the ones who were chosen to stay. I think it's pretty much hate."

Dean straightened up and fixed his tie while clearing his throat.

"Well, Ms. Nesbit's daughter called Bobby and said that she hasn't gotten back to her. She grew worried that something happened. You see her son had been terminally ill and he's just recently gotten better."

I looked at Ms. Nesbit's body and sat on the bed, sighing.

"So, something got her. Do you guys have any idea?"

They both shook their heads in sorrow, great. We are going to have a lot to explain to Hetty...

"Hey, Beth. I know that you work with the feds so how are we gonna handle this?"

Dean hit Moose Boy on the shoulder and gave him an evil glare.

"Dude, chill. She's our sister, she will think of something. Plus she can totally do this on her own like she can do what we-"

"Dean, I got this. Geez..."

I sighed as I combed my hands through my hair. I thought for a long time, then I looked at Dean and Moose-man.

"Okay you two, this is how we are going to handle this, and I am not going to repeat myself, so listen closely."

After about 10 minutes of explaining there was a call out from the end of the hallway, it was Deeks.

"Shit, I forgot about Deeks. This is not good, guys leave now, and I'll text you or call you when I learn more."

With that, the Moose lead Dean to a window and they left, seconds later there was a knock at the door. I opened the door carefully and saw Sam, Callen, and Deeks staring at me.

"Well, are you gonna let us in?"

I smiled meekly at Callen and I ushered the three of them in.

"I'm sorry, I guess I just lost track of time. Ms. Nesbit was always there for me, now that she's gone..."

Callen looked at me with fear in his eyes, he thought highly of Ms. Nesbit, she was always there for the two of us when we needed to unwind from a case. She was like a mother that never wanted to see her kids grow up, she even bought our graduation gowns to recreate the memories for her, she wanted to feel parenthood again, and Callen and I gave it to her.

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