Chapter Eleven

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It's been hard for Callen and I to focus on our current case, but what got us out of our melancholic state was the two agents from New York, they decided to come over to LA just to help with the case. They both worked at the NCIS working under Gibbs, a man who always keeps his word and someone you don't want to anger, the two agents walked over to us.

"Hello, I'm agent Y/FN Y/LN. This is Agent-"

"Actually, I'm very special agent Anthony DiNozzo, but you may call me Tony."

"Hey! No fair, they can call you Tony but I have to call you Anthony?"

I giggled at their childish manner, even though Tony is the same age as Callen and I, he still acts like a child, he might even be acting younger than Y/N.

"Well, probie once you surpass me then we'll talk about what to call me. But for now, you have to call me Anthony, so tread lightly probie."

I stifled my laugh as I watched Y/N and Tony fight, it was quite entertaining and reminded me of my brothers. Immediately I excused myself and Callen and left the two with Sam. Callen and I stopped at my car and I told him of Sam and Dean.

"Beth, how could you not tell Spence or I about Sam and Dean visiting? You know we wanted to see them, when did you last see them?"

I looked down, "Well, to be honest, I only remembered having seen them when I saw Tony and Y/N bickering."

"Well let's see, its Monday now?"

He nodded and I went back to calculating how long it's been.

"And we- well I, discovered Ms. Nesbit on Friday, so about 2 or 3 days ago..."

Callen looked a little bit enraged, wait did I say a little? I meant beyond enraged, like his face became a whole new shade of red, that doesn't even seem humanly possible.

"Beth, are you serious? You went this long without telling us?"

I looked to the ground and thought long and hard, I knew that if I said the wrong thing Callen would just become redder and maybe blow a gasket.

"Yeah, mainly because Ms. Nesbit was discovered dead by me, and I heard something the night before that sounded like someone was in her room, but because I was drugged up still from the hospital I ignored it thinking my mind was playing tricks on me. Only to discover the next day that it was something and that I could have stopped it but didn't. So yeah I didn't tell you about our brothers, because I was blaming myself for the death of our motherly figure. "

Callen looked at me with a saddened look on his face, and he hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry Beth, I have been a horrible brother to you. I should have comforted you and not myself, she was just as much as a mother figure to me as she was for you."

I struggled for a breath of fresh air against Callen's strong grip.

"Yeah, that's nice and all Callen, but-"

He interrupted me and held his grip.

"No, no buts Beth. It was wrong of me not to consider your feelings, Ms. Nesbit taught us that we should care for each other's feelings just as much as we care for our own."

I slammed my foot into his and he let go, I leaned down and put my hands on my knees, trying to get more oxygen into my system.

"Thanks for the lovely refresher, but that's not what I was gonna say. I wanted to tell you, that I couldn't breathe, you were hugging me so tight that maybe about 20% of my oxygen flow was cut off."

Callen looked down at the ground.

"Oh. Well, I knew that."

"Sure you did, just like you forgot about wanting to meet up after 20 years. Long time no see G.C."

Callen and I looked over and saw Dean and Moosey McGee.

"Hey Dean, hey Moosehead."

"Can you stop with the moose jokes, they are getting so old."

"Sure thing Samskatchewan, anything for you."

He looked over to Dean and whispered in his ear, Dean looked at me and smiled then he went back and whispered into his ear.

"Okay, Tiny Tinsel. Tell us about what you've uncovered so far."

"First off, no one calls me that but Dean, second off we haven't gotten anywhere yet."

The Moose looked at me, with a dignified look on his face.

"So why is only Dean allowed to call you Tiny Tinsel?"

"That's a long story, better off for another day."

"Anyways Dean, Sam I don't think this is your kinda gig, I mean nothing points to whatever it is you guys hunt."

"Callen, stop it. I'm certain it is, I heard something that night. If not then we can have them forget about the case, but right now we need their help, whether you like it or not."

Callen and Dean glared at each other while Moose stared at me, he seemed to be contemplating his next words carefully, as if he didn't want either one of us to take his words the wrong way.

"Look, we're not going to be getting any closer to finding out what happened to Ms. Nesbit. Beth, what exactly did you hear?"

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