Chapter Ten

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"Who's Ms. Nesbit?"

Sam asked as he walked in after Callen who walked right into the room Ms. Nesbit kept his and my stuff.

"She's a very important mother figure for Callen and Beth. When I found out about them I told Ms. Nesbit and she wanted to assist in taking care of the two. So while in my care, even though I wasn't really ever-present Ms. Nesbit took care of them. But she didn't see them graduate or anything so we recreated everything we could, you know besides the birth."

Everyone looked at the door and saw Hetty. She looked full of melancholy, a look I'm sure no one has ever seen on our fearless leader. (I always thought if it as melon c holy, lol a holy melon.)

"Wait. What? We were always with Mrs. Nancy though."

Hetty nodded and looked at me, with a smile that showed a motherly love.

"My personal housekeeper, she did everything, even take care of you and Callen."

I nodded and excused myself, I went in search of Callen. He wasn't in the room with our stuff so I went right to Ms. Nesbit's room, not there either. Then it hit me, I ran to the bathroom and saw the door was half-closed, I opened it and then locked it. I turned around and saw Callen crying, I turned on the sink and took Callen into the bathtub. We sat next to each other and cried for what seemed to be forever, both of us comforting each other as we released many tears. We got disrupted in our current actions when we heard a knock from Deeks I stood up, walked out the tub, closed the curtains so Callen could be hidden, and splashed water on my face before opening the door.  I turned and faced Sam  who looked at me with a sincere smile.

"I know that you and G were in there crying, you guys don't have to hide it from us, we all know how special Ms. Nesbit was to you and him."

I looked at Sam with tears in my eyes and he embraced me in his arms, and he leaned in close to my ears.

"You and G ever need anything do not hesitate to come over."

I nodded at his words and wiped my eyes, Callen cleared his throat and we turned to him.

"Thanks, Sam."

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