Chapter Thirteen

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After filling in the two, I decided to look up Sam and Dean in the database's records, I just had to understand why they were so interested in what was going on.

"Doing some heavy reading are we agent?"

I quickly closed out of the records and turned around to face Tony.

"Hello Agent DiNozzo, uh yeah, I just wanted to look at some old records and see if anything would stick out. It's been a while since I worked a case like this, kinda needed a refresher."

I stared at him curiously and studied him, he looked to be built well enough to be able to handle himself if the situation had called for it, I decided then and there that I wasn't gonna get on his bad side. But that didn't mean I couldn't toy with him every now and then.

"Aren't you supposed to be doing something? You know Hetty reports back all that goes on here back to Gibbs." I smirked over to him with a raised brow. "To hear that his top agent is goofing off and distracting others from their work, what does that do to a very special agent such as yourself? I would assume that would cause you to be dropped to desk work for at least a week. Isn't that right Anthony?"

Tony looked at me and gulped while uncomfortably adjusting his collar, he stammered for words and laughed quietly.

"You're funny Beth, you sure you aren't a comedian? Cause that was a good one. Is it hot in here? I feel it's hot in here, I'm just gonna head out for a walk, maybe get some coffee. Do you want any?"

"Agent Dinozzo, perhaps it would be best if you take Agent Y/N with you as well. Oh and find something useful to do when you get back."

Tony turned and saw Hetty, he turned back to me and raised a brow while mouthing 'Did you?' Shaking my head no I smirked.

"Hetty, we gotta do something about you just popping up seemingly out of the air. One of these days you're gonna give someone a heart attack." I laughed and got up heading towards the team's desks. "Do you want any tea while I'm up?"

Hetty shook her head with a smile "I've got Mr. Beal making a cup for me. It's his grandma's recipe, says it's amazing. I decided to see if he knows what he's talking about."

I laughed and sat down with my cup, feeling Hetty's gaze on me I looked up. "Is there something you needed from me Hetty? "

Hetty scratched at her chin and looked to be in deep thought. "You know what, you're absolutely right. But I don't remember what it was." Hetty turned to walk away and spoke over her shoulder. "I trust you to make sure those two buffoons don't distract you from doing your job. After all, it is your case, Miss Beth."

Two buffoons? Was Hetty talking about Samsquatch and Dean, or is she talking about Sam and G... If she knows about Sam and Dean how safe were they talking to her and Callen?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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