Chapter One

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I woke up and felt a breeze on my skin, I opened my eyes and saw blue skies. Had I just fallen asleep while watching the clouds past by? No impossible, I couldn't have dreamt that beating. I looked around me and saw I was in an unfamiliar area and stood up, definitely not dreaming. I decided to head east or whatever direction I was facing and started walking. I don't know how long I was walking but I knew I fell at least four times and felt extremely groggy. I looked myself over to see I was bandaged up but still bleeding badly. I continued on and soon heard a car horn, I turned around and saw a window open. My instincts cut in and I hit the ground, not wanting to get shot at.

"Whoa whoa, easy tiger. We're here to help. NCIS, I'm agent Marty Deeks and this is my partner Kensi Blye."

I looked up at him shyly.

"Hi Deeks, um can you get Callen? Clearly he's worried for me...hehe."

I said hoarsely then smiled and Deeks soon realized who I was. He and Kensi rushed me in the car, Kensi grabbed something from her backpack and handed it over. It was a water bottle, I struggled to open it and soon got it open.  Once I had a sip I realized Kensi was on the phone, I looked down and listened for a little bit.


She nodded at me and continued to talk. I looked at her begging to speak to him.

"Please Kensi, may I speak to him?"

She sighed and talked for a few more seconds then handed me the phone.

"Hey Callen, what's up?"

"Beth? Is that really you?"

I cleared my throat and took another sip of water.

"Yes Callen, it is really me. You know yesterday was really fun. You should have met all of the girls, they missed not being able to meet you."

"Well, you sound great Beth."

This was a new voice, one I couldn't place for a second. Then it hit me.

"Sam? Is that really you? Man, you sound great too, I mean for a dead guy of course. Tell me, how's life with the new wife?"

I heard Sam question Callen, and I started to laugh, then cough.

"Easy Beth. We just got you back, don't want to lose you now do we?"

Kensi took the phone from me and told Sam and Callan that we just arrived at the hospital and to talk more when they arrive. She said something else but I couldn't hear her because I was falling asleep and Deeks yelled right in my ear about something.

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