Chapter Five

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They both apologized and started to talk about their similarities and decided to spend Spencer's last day in LA at an LA Lakers game, later that night.

"Have fun you two. Go, have fun and make sure to visit me tomorrow before you leave Spence."

They both gave me a hug and left as Sam came into the room.

"Hey, Sam, what's up?"

"Nothing much Beth. Hey, listen do you have a safe place to be?"

"No Sam, you know cause they took me from my house. I was thinking about getting a hotel room and sleeping there."

Sam scratched the back of his head, he looked quite perplexed and he took out his phone and typed something. He then shoved his phone into my face.

"This place isn't too far from the hospital, work or my house. Stay here for some time please?"

"I don't even have my stuff packed."

The door opened and Deeks walked in with Kensi.

"That is not a problem my dear lady. Kensi and I grabbed some stuff for you. We also picked up the keys and dropped some stuff off at the place that you would need."

Tears started to escape from my eyes

"Whoa whoa don't cry. Was it something I said? Come on please stop crying."

"Deeks calm down. She's probably just crying because she's thankful."

I nodded at Sam's words and wiped my tears away and looked at the three of them and smiled.

"I don't think I'll be able to ever thank you enough for all you guys are doing for me."

"No need to thanks us Beth, it's just something we feel obligated to do. After all, you're a very important team member, and we'd be lost without you."

I smiled at them and a nurse walked in and she checked my vitals, then she walked out of the room.

"By the way, you can be discharged tomorrow morning after 10:30. But you can only be checked out by one of us or a family member, Hetty's rules."

Deeks replied as he left the room to follow the nurse, Kensi followed Deeks to make sure he didn't do anything too stupid. Sam laughed and I turned to look at him, he smiled.

"Hey Sam, listen um... I just realized that I have a place I could go to. It's where I lived when I was on my own and I never really did move out. So could I just stay there?"

Sam shrugged his shoulders and excused himself.

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