Chapter Seven

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Spencer looked at me before taking a breath.

"You were right. We were wrong, we have a lot in common and we should have taken the time together to find out those common interests. You helped us find our similarities and set them aside from our differences. I will see you tomorrow, I have to prepare for my case."

I nodded and said my goodbyes and Deeks told me about being allowed at the place I was hiding out in was okay. Deeks thought it would be better for me to be moved at night so Sam helped me check out and we went to the address, where Sam stood watch over me while I slept. I heard something from the place next door and looked around, Sam was gone. I pressed my ear to the wall.

"You've been alive too long. Your soul was supposed to be collected 5 months ago. Its time you go."

Then there was a suctioning sound and some screams. Then it was silent, I listened intently for any sign of movement, I figured whoever it was had left. I got up and searched for my phone, it was gone, I went back under the covers and went to bed.

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