Chapter Twelve

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After Callen and I spoke to Dean and Samskatchewan for about thirty minutes we went back to see DiNozzo and Y/LN. Y/LN was on the phone with someone and seemed really stressed out and annoyed, I walked over to Tony.

"What's got Y/LN's panties in a pinch Tony?"

Tony looked at me with a grin on his face before looking at Y/LN then back to me.

"Oh, well I may have left at the same time the big man was calling. She answered and he wasn't too happy that she switched spots with poor Timmy."


"Timothy McGee, excuse me DiNozzo but are you not supposed to be working on this case?"

"Yes ma'am, right away."

Tony rushed off away from Hetty and went towards Nell and Eric.

"It's nice to see you back in such a better state than how you were when Deeks and Kensy found you."

I smiled at Hetty, she was always looking out for me and Callen.

"Yeah, I'm happy they rolled by when they did. Who knows what would have happened if they didn't find me?"

Hetty nodded while in thought, she handed me a file and smiled before she walked off. Callen placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.

"Why don't we see whats in that file Hetty gave you, then go see what we can do?"

I nodded at Callen and we went to the bullpen, I sat on my desk and read the file to Callen. It was full of other victims who had the same fate as Ms. Nesbit.

"Callen, I'm gonna go inform Dean and Mooseyboy. I'll be right back."

Before Callen could protest I ran out to my car and called them. Dean answered on the 3rd ring and I filled him in, he didn't seem too happy knowing there were more Victims. We said our goodbyes and I hung up, still more confused than ever because it didn't seem like something Sam and Dean were used to.

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