Chapter Four

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"What nurse, Beth? One of these two?"

I was about to shake my head when I saw the nurse through the mirror and whispered to Callen telling him where she went. Callen and Sam both ran out of the room and took off in the direction of the nurse.

"Beth, do you know what the nurse gave you?"

The Doctor asked and I told him no. I looked at the door and my eyes growing even heavier began to close.

"No Beth! Keep those eyes open. Don't close them."

I heard the Doctor yell to me but I didn't want to. My brain yelled at me to sleep and let my body rest, so I did. I let my body and mind drift apart and soon I heard nothing.

"I don't care Spence. She should have had someone watching her. Someone that we all trust, and you were one of them."

"Wait? Do you think that I'm to blame for what happened to her with that nurse? Oh! I can't believe you, Callen. You of all people to say something like that! What about you!?"

"Yes, I do think you're to blame. Also, what do you mean what about me?"

"What I'm trying to say is why weren't you here? Why are you not to be blamed as well? What makes you so special that you're not included in this?"

"I was busy. I am included in this, she's my family."

"What made you so busy that you couldn't be there for our sister?"

"I was busy trying to figure out what happened to Beth."

Hearing them argue like this made my heart hurt. I hated when they argued, they never got along never. They even argued when we were separated, and it was me and Spencer in Pennsylvania and Callen in Missouri.

"Will you two please stop fighting?"

I opened my eyes and looked at the two of them forcefully. They both shrunk in size and looked down, apologizing.

"Look, I know you guys are boys. That boys will be boys and fight. But can you two just try to get along for once? I mean you both should set aside everything and see your similarities and not your differences."

They both nodded and apologized to me.

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to each other."

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