Chapter Three

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The door opened fast, so fast it hit the wall behind it. I turned my head to see a nurse running in, she grabbed my arm with the IV and pulled out a syringe with a long needle. I looked at the needle and then at the nurse, she put her finger to her lips. I panicked and tried to move my arm away and felt a prick on my arm, I yelped. I looked down at my arm and saw the needle jutting out, the nurse swore and she pressed the plunger. She pressed the plunger until the barrel was empty, then carefully pulled it out of my arm and bandaged me up. She left the room in a flash, five minutes later as I was trying to sleep a loud beeping sound erupted in the room. The doctor rushed in and so did two nurses followed by Callen and Sam, the Doctor told me to remain calm and awake, he then instructed someone to keep me talking.

"But I'm sooo tired Doc."

I felt a hand on my leg and looked at the edge of my bed to see Callen.

"We know Beth, but you have to obey the Doctor's orders, he knows what he is doing."

I smiled at the thought of a Doctor who doesn't know what he's supposed to do.

"Yeah, unlike that nurse from earlier. She didn't know how to do anything."

Everyone in the room looked at me stunned by what I had said, mainly Callen and the Doctor.

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