8 - Done

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I had been sitting at home for a few days since the grocery store and not wanting to go out and take a chance of running into Chris and his family. I had nothing against his family but usually where there was one Evans there was another. I loved all of them, but once Chris and I had our "break-up" I cut all of them off.

I was writing down some ideas in a notebook when my cellphone rang, and I was it was Dane calling. I knew what he was calling for and I wasn't sure I was ready for this...

"Hey Dane." I said.

"Hey, what are you up to tomorrow night?" Dane asked.

"Well, I have a wild night planned." I said.

"Oh yeah, doing what?" Dane chuckled.

"Well, me and my jammies were going to pig out in front of the TV and watch movies all night!" I overly excited said and he laughed.

"Well think the movies and jammies can wait?" Dane asked.

"I don't know, they got kind of excited." I laughed.

"Come on Frankie, come out with us tomorrow night. Just to the bar, they will have a band playing and we can all catch up and get some drinks." Dane said and I groaned.

"Dane, come on...I told you I can't come." I sighed.

"We will keep him away from you and you won't even have to talk to him but since you both are in town, and no one really knows for how long. We just want time with both of you." Dane whined. "Please Frankie..." Dane begged. I groaned and put my head in the hand that wasn't holding the phone.

"Fine, I will come but he has one chance to fuck up and I'm gone." I conceded. I could tell Dane was doing a happy dance on the other end of the phone.

"Yes! See you tomorrow and Murphy's around 7." He said.

"Fine." I said and hung up.

Let's just hope Chris can listen and follow the rules.


I walked into the bar the next night around 6:45 and they were already there, and I smiled waking up to the table. I saw Chris was sitting there as well but he wasn't alone, he brought his brother Scott.

"FRANKIE!" Scott yelled seeing me, he rushed me and hugged, and I laughed as he did, hugging him back tightly. He then kissed my cheek. "I've missed you." He said and I smiled as we released and walked to the table.

"Missed you too." I said as I got to the table. I hugged Dane and his wife Mindy. I hugged a few other friends that were there. I noticed Chris and he was just watching my every move.

"Hey, don't worry about him he is going to not say a word." Dane said as I sat down.

"It's so good having you both back in town though! We miss you both when your away!" Mindy said and I smiled.

"I miss being home too but have to be where they want me." I said and everyone nodded.

"So has the break inspired any new music?" Dane asked and I smirked.


"Ohhhh I wanna know!" Scott said and I just shrugged with a smile.

"Maybe you guys will hear it soon." I said as the house band stopped singing and the crowd clapped. I looked at the band and then noticed it was a band that was together when we were in high school.

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