9 - The Truth

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I walked up to Chris well after everyone had left the bar for the night. They enjoyed the rest of the night, and I was with them but keeping a close eye on Chris the entire time. I finally walked over to Chris and sighed.

"Hey, don't you think it's time to maybe leave?" I asked Chris and he just looked at me.

"Nooooo! Scott!!" Chris drunkenly said and threw an arm around my shoulder. "Have a drink with me! You spent all night with Frankie's friends and not your own brother." Chris whined.

"Chris I was with our friends, yours included."

"Nope! Not mine! Not anymore!" Chris protested and practically fell off the bar stool.

"Scott I wouldn't usually do this but you gotta get him outta here. He is cut off." The bartender Oscar said, he was a good friend of ours.

"I know, we're going." I said as I reached into Chris's pocket and pulled out his car keys.

"Don't drive my car, I'll drive!" Chris slurred.

"No thank you, I don't want to die." I said as we walked outside and I got Chris in his car, in the passenger seat.

"If you are going to throw up tell me..." I said getting in the driver's seat and I rolled down Chris's window to get him some fresh air as we drove home. I just got him to his house. This was going to be hard to get him inside and get him to bed.

Once we arrived home and I got Chris inside the house he made it as far as the couch and plopped down.

"I fucked it all up Scott..." Chris said as I walked back into the living room with a glass of water for him.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"With Frankie, I fucked it all up."

"Well yeah, tonight wasn't your finest hour." I said sitting on the couch next to him.

"No...I screwed it up on our way to LA, I screwed it all...I screwed her!" Chris blurted out.

"Wait, do you mean metaphorically or literally?!" I asked shocked.

"Literally. I had sex with Frankie, Frankie and I fucked and then I told her I couldn't be with her."

"Okay wait...back-up, start from the beginning." I said trying to get the whole story, so I knew how to gauge my reaction.

"Everything was going well on the road trip. I mean there was some tension, the sexual kind, only on my part...I think. She was beautiful and sleeping in a bed beside mine the entire trip and she was amazing. Well one night I snapped. We went out to a rodeo, and she looked damn attractive. I knew what I had to do, I had to put the moves on her and make her feel like she was the only girl I would ever want. We flirted the entire night and when we got back to the hotel that night, I sealed the deal." Chris rambled off  being drunk.

"Sealed the deal? More words Chris." I was pinching the bridge of my nose listening to this story with my eyes closed.

"So, we got back to the hotel and all the flirting I had been doing was working. We got into a tickling fight and that was when I did it. I kissed her, I wanted to see what would happen, I was dumb though, I knew what would happen and I didn't even care. She was more than willing, and I just needed a release I didn't care with who..." Chris trailed off.

"So, you basically just fucked her to fuck her, it meant nothing to you?" I asked and Chris just nodded.

"I told her afterward that nothing would change, that I would still be there for her, we could be friends and even led her to believe we could be a couple. Then when we got to LA the next day, I told her I didn't think being with her was going to be the best that we were both in LA to live our dreams and a girlfriend wasn't what I needed right now, I needed to focus on auditions and everything else." Chris explained a little more. He took a sip of water and telling the story seemed to sober him up slightly.

There was silence, complete and utter silence. I was going through everything Chris just said to me.

"So let me get this straight, you basically just wanted to get your dick wet, so you used your best friend in the whole wide world to do so and then lied to her about it afterwards just to break her heart the next day?" I snapped.

"Scott, I didn't think -..."

"Clearly not! You seriously fucked her just to leave her but let her believe there could be something there! Chris, did you know Frankie had real feelings for you? Did you know once you got to LA, she was going to talk to you about being together so you both had each other through all of this? Did you know any of this?" I growled.

Chris just shook his head, and I stood up and started pacing. It was taking all the strength I had inside of my body to not punch him directly in the face for this.

"I didn't know, I had no clue."

"No, you wouldn't have because you just wanted a simple fuck and you thought that would be Frankie. Well, I hope it was good enough to be worth everything we all lost. And I meant WE CHRIS! Because you thought with your dick instead of your brain, we all lost Frankie in our lives! She blocked all of our numbers and calls. The only one she didn't block was Ma but that was because she wanted some link to all of us, but she never called or answered any of Ma's calls or texts! Did you even think about anyone else but yourself?!" I yell and Chris just shook his head.

Silence fell again and I just didn't know what to do or say.

"Wait a goddamn minute, you told her you couldn't be with her because you wanted to focus on your career and couldn't worry yourself with a girlfriend?" I questioned.

"Yeah..." Chris answered almost like he knew what was coming.

"How soon after you dropping her off and everything happened did you start dating Biel?" I asked.

"A year." Chris answered. I didn't know what else to do so I picked up a throw pillow and threw it at Chris's head.

"A YEAR?! A FUCKING YEAR?! You told Frankie you couldn't be with her, and you were with someone a year later?! What the actual fuck Chris?!"

"I know I fucked up! How many times are you going to point that out?!" Chris asked.

"Until it sinks in! I don't think it has! You ruined Frankie! She was amazing and yes, she still is but she is now hard towards all of us because of you!" I snapped. "What exactly happened when you dropped her off? What was said?" I continued.

"Well, I dropped her off, told her we couldn't be together romantically, but I still wanted to be friends. She told me she couldn't be friends anymore either. Saying it would be too hard to go back to be friends after she had feelings for me, so she ended the friendship and was the one saying we no longer had to act like we knew each other." Chris explained causing me to laugh. "Why is that funny?" Chris snapped.

"Because you fucking idiot! She meant it! You probably thought she would get over it in a few days and come crawling back and one of the only reasons you are mad now is because she didn't. She didn't come back to you at all." I laughed. "The only time she talks to you is through her music, so it looks like that's all you are going to have." I continued.

"How do I get her back into my life even if it is just as a friend? I miss her." Chris admitted.

"I think you have lost her for good Chris. You don't get to get her back. As well as me...for now. Chris, I have to go. You really pushed this too far and I lost the one person in my life I could go to with any problem and now she would barely even look at me tonight. I would rather have Frankie in my life than you." I said and headed towards the door.

"FINE! GO THEN!" Chris yelled. I turned and looked at him from the doorway to the living room.

"Also, I give you 24 hours for you to tell Ma what you did, or I tell her. She has wondered what happened Chris and you need to tell her how much you fucked up." I said and walked out of the living room and out of the house.

As I closed the front door, I heard a few things shatter meaning Chris was throwing a drunken fit because he now admitted what he did and how bad it sounded. This left me wondering, was I the first and only one to know? Also, I was left wondering, if Chris did this to Frankie, what were the first weeks in LA like for Frankie dealing with the heartbreak my brother caused?

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