The Parselmouth

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James POV:

He does not have a hero complex and neither does his son, he's about to tell Regulus as much when he notices the scene in front of him.

Draco is petting the snake that Harry is holding, Harry's making weird hissing noises and the snake is hissing back, almost like Harry is talking to it, but that's not possible, is it?

James looks at his boyfriend. Regulus is the one who has done most of the research about the horcrux inside Harry, so if this was some kind of side effect Regulus would know. Except when James meets his eyes Regulus also has a look of confusion on his face.

"Is he speaking-" James starts to ask

Regulus cuts him off before he can finish, "yes" he says stiffly.

"How is that possible, is it because of the horcrux", James doesn't know much about Parseltongue, but he knows it's incredibly rare.

"I don't think so, this is all Harry" then Regulus is walking over to the boys and James is following.

"Whatcha doing kitten" Regulus says gently as he crouches down next to Harry.

"He's talking to him" Draco says excitedly.

Regulus rolls his eyes "yes, I can see that, my question is why"

"We were trying to find a new game, he heard us and said he had an idea" Harry says casually as though this is completely normal.

"It was so cool, we were talking about what to do next then this snake comes and out of no where and started hissing, then Harry picked him up and starting hissing back, Harry's been telling me what he's been saying" Draco says, talking faster than James and Regulus have ever heard him talk before.

"How long have you been able to do this" James asks also crouching down next to the boys.

"Todays the first time I've done it" Harry says with a shrug.

"Bambi if you put down the snake me and Reggie will let the two of practice spells with our wands" James says trying to show nonchalance, but he has a terrible poker face and he really hates snakes.

Harry hisses something to the snake, then puts it down and it slithers away.

"Just don't tell Narcissa" Regulus pipes in on James' earlier remark.

"Obviously" Draco says sarcastically "mother doesn't want me practicing magic just yet, but what she doesn't know won't kill her" he finishes as he gets up and dusts himself off.

"What happens at my house stays at my house" Harry says also getting up, then they fist bump each other and walk back into the house.

Their friendship has always slightly confused James. It was so much different than how his relationships with his friends had been, but yet it seems to work for Harry and Draco. They were each others first friend and for Harry Draco is his only friend.

"Dad, if you don't hurry up I'll put the snake in your bed tonight" Harry calls from somewhere in the house, Draco laughing while he says it.

It's safe to say that, that boy is not the best example on Harry, but James's supposes that's what friends are for.

"No you won't, Reg won't let you" James replies to his son's threat confidently.

"Go ahead I won't stop you" Regulus says before smirking at James and also reentering the house.

At twenty-five years old Regulus is still the cocky little shit that he was at fifteen.

James secretly loves it, but he'll never tell Regulus that, although he's pretty sure his boyfriend already knows. James has never been good at hiding his emotions.

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