Year One: Part Seven

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Severus POV:

When Narcissa owled Severus, telling him that she would be unable to make it to the station, and asks if they could use his floo, he immediately wrote back his permission.

He had always liked Narcissa and Lucius, at least more than the other Death Eaters. Severus wasn't loyal to The Dark Lord, which is probably why he couldn't stand most of the Death Eaters, but the Malfoys were always more quiet in their support.

Since the fall of The Dark Lord the Malfoys have been suspiciously quiet, Lucius hasn't said anything about bringing their lord back, not even to Severus who as far as the blond knows is a fellow Death Eater.

When Narcissa had used the word 'they' in her letter, Severus had thought she meant Draco using the floo was helping her so that's why she said that.

What he had not expected was for Harry Potter to show up and for Draco to inform him that Harry was originally supposed to be picked up by Narcissa as well.

Once again Severus has questions about the Potter boy.

It's been obvious since the first day that the kid knew some things before coming to Hogwarts, but Severus hadn't realized just how much until recently.

Potter brewed potions and knew recipes as though he had been brewing for years. He also knew a lot of magic and had good control, this was proved when he took out the troll.

Severus is also pretty certain he saw the boy doing wandless magic in the great hall.

The there's the fact that he has shown to be a great quidditch player for the Slytherin team, it's obvious not just beginners luck, he's played before, proved by the fact he had a broom which he snuck into school.

At first Severus could not fathom how he was a Slytherin. Potter is so alike his father in so many ways he couldn't help but hate him.

But being his head of house has aloud Severus to see a bit of Lily in him, along with a lot of Slytherin qualities.

Whoever raised the boy was a wizard, that much was obvious, but not just any wizard, a Slytherin who is powerful and influential enough to convince Dumbledore to not give away their identity.

Whoever it is also seems to be close to the Malfoys of Narcissa was going to pick the boy up from the train station.

It appears that Draco and Potter grew up knowing each other and Severus is wondering if perhaps Draco has had the same training as the green eyed boy. He has noticed lately that his godson knows a lot more than Severus thought he did.

These thoughts are bringing way too many questions to his mind.

Why can't Potter's guardian pick him themselves? Why is their identity such a secret?

Why is Lucius Malfoy of all people allowing his son and wife to be around the half-blood that defeated his lord?

Is it a family member? No, Lucius' family is all dead and Narcissa's is either dead or a blood traitor.

Whatever was going it was suspicious and Severus was going to figure it out.


Regulus POV:

Lily loved being a witch, but she was also proud of her muggle heritage and how she grew up.

She wanted Harry to grow up experiencing the holidays like she did growing up.

Because of this Regulus and James made sure Harry understood both the muggle and magic side of every holiday.

James loved Christmas, their house always had a huge tree with way too many ornaments in the living room. The outside was decorated with lights and a reef on the door, even though no one could see it.

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